
German Fairytale Journey / VLOG: A Day in Heidelberg & Marburg Vlog Adventure!”

Embark on a whimsical journey through the enchanting cities of Heidelberg and Marburg in this captivating vlog adventure! Join us as we delve into the heart of German fairytales, where cobblestone streets wind through historic town centers and majestic castles stand watch over picturesque landscapes.

In Heidelberg, immerse yourself in the romantic atmosphere as we wander along the iconic Philosopher’s Walk, offering breathtaking views of the Neckar River and the city below. Explore the charming Old Town, with its vibrant market squares, quaint cafes, and fascinating historical landmarks, including the renowned Heidelberg Castle, steeped in centuries of legends and lore.

Then, venture onward to the medieval town of Marburg, where fairytale towers and half-timbered houses transport you back in time. Follow us through the winding alleys of the Altstadt, where every corner reveals another story waiting to be discovered. Ascend to the summit of Marburg Castle, perched high above the town, for panoramic vistas that will leave you spellbound.

Throughout our day-long adventure, we’ll sample delicious local cuisine, interact with friendly locals, and uncover the magic that makes Heidelberg and Marburg truly special. Join us on this German Fairytale Journey as we create unforgettable memories in two of Germany’s most enchanting destinations!


Finding Joy in Laughter: Exploring Life’s Sources of Happiness

Was bringt dich zum Lachen?

Laughter, they say, is the best medicine. It’s a universal language that transcends barriers and brings people together in moments of pure joy and mirth. For me, laughter is intricately woven into the fabric of two simple yet profound aspects of life: food and music.

If there’s one thing that never fails to bring a smile to my face, it’s food. Food isn’t just sustenance; it’s a source of comfort, pleasure, and connection. Whether it’s indulging in a decadent slice of chocolate cake or savoring the aroma of well cooked Ofe Owerri with lot of orishirishi 🥰 and Meats lots of meat. I am also a sucker for fried Plantain and baked bread, food has a magical way of uplifting my spirits and filling me with happiness. The joy of exploring new cuisines, experimenting with recipes in the kitchen, and sharing meals with loved ones is unparalleled. In the symphony of flavors and textures, I find solace and delight, making every bite a moment to cherish.

Equally uplifting is the power of music to evoke laughter and lightness of heart. Music has an incredible ability to stir the soul, uplift the spirit, and transport us to a realm of pure bliss. From the infectious rhythm of upbeat tunes to the soul-stirring melodies of timeless classics, music has a transformative effect on my mood and emotions. Whether I’m dancing to my favorite playlist or simply losing myself in the harmonies of a soothing melody, music has a way of making my soul sing and infusing my days with positive energy.

But laughter and joy aren’t confined to just food and music; they can be found in the simplest of moments and the smallest of gestures. A heartfelt conversation with a friend, a spontaneous joke that catches you off guard, or witnessing acts of kindness and compassion—all have the power to ignite laughter and fill the heart with warmth.

Now, I’m curious to hear from you. What brings a smile to your face? What moments or experiences fill you with laughter and joy? Let’s connect and share our stories, for in doing so, we not only spread happiness but also forge meaningful connections that enrich our lives.

As we journey through life, let’s remember to embrace laughter, cherish moments of joy, and find solace in the simple pleasures that surround us. And as always, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and leave a comment to keep the conversation going.

Until my next post, may laughter and happiness illuminate your days. Take care, and stay joyful!


Navigating the Uncomfortable question that you don’t like being asked. Why?

Nenne eine Frage, die du gar nicht gerne gestellt bekommst. Warum?

We’ve all been there – that awkward moment when someone pops the question: “When are you getting married?” For many, this seemingly innocent inquiry can be a source of discomfort and frustration. In my case, this is really personal sharing this topic and it’s a question I’d rather not hear, and here’s why.

The Assumption Game:

It often feels like this question comes with a side of judgment. Society sometimes interprets a lack of a clear answer as pickiness or being overly choosy. The truth is, my relationship status doesn’t reflect a lack of interest or desire for a partner; it’s simply a matter of personal timing and priorities.

Busting the Myths:

Contrary to the assumptions, being single doesn’t equate to being overly selective or having unrealistic expectations. It’s about finding the right balance between personal growth, career aspirations, and, yes, love. I appreciate the concern, but it’s essential to understand that life unfolds differently for everyone.

Expressing the Unspoken:

Explaining this to others can be challenging, as the reasons for not settling down aren’t always easily expressed. The fear of being misunderstood often results in evasive responses. It’s not about avoiding commitment or dodging the question – it’s about acknowledging the uniqueness of one’s journey and the personal milestones that take precedence.

Turning the Tables:

Now, over to you – what’s the one question you find discomforting? We all have that topic that makes us squirm. Share your thoughts in the comments below, and let’s start a conversation about the questions we’d rather avoid.

Don’t forget to hit the like button if you resonate with this post, subscribe for more relatable content, and share with friends who can relate. Looking forward to hearing your experiences!

Stay tuned for my next post, and until then, take care.

LifeQuestions #Relationships #PersonalJourney #SingleLife


What life experiences have helped you the most?

Welche Lebenserfahrungen haben dir am meisten geholfen?

In life, we often find ourselves navigating through a myriad of experiences that shape who we are and how we perceive the world. For me, one of the most transformative lessons has been the cultivation of patience. Learning this virtue was no easy feat; it came through challenges and difficulties that forced me to confront the value of waiting and understanding.

Patience, as they say, is a virtue, and for me, it became an invaluable asset in my life’s arsenal. It wasn’t a skill I acquired effortlessly; instead, it was learned through trial and error, through moments that demanded resilience and composure. Patience taught me the art of navigating through challenging situations and dealing with people in a more understanding and composed manner.

Life’s circumstances often throw curveballs, testing our ability to stay calm and composed. Patience became a guiding light during these moments, allowing me to approach challenges with a level-headed mindset. It taught me that not everything has to be rushed or immediate; sometimes, the most profound solutions come to those who patiently endure and persist.

Moreover, patience strengthened my interpersonal relationships. Instead of reacting impulsively to others’ actions or words, I learned to pause, reflect, and respond thoughtfully. This shift in approach fostered better communication and understanding, laying the foundation for more meaningful connections.

In a world that often glorifies instant gratification, the ability to wait with grace has become a rare but crucial skill. Patience has given me the resilience to withstand the storms of life and the wisdom to appreciate the beauty of gradual progress.

Now, as I reflect on the journey of learning patience, I realize that the hardships were necessary for my growth. The struggles, the moments of uncertainty – they all contributed to shaping a more patient and composed version of myself.

What about you? What life experiences have had a profound impact on your journey? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share if you found this reflection resonant. Stay tuned for more insights in my next post. Until then, embrace the lessons life unfolds before you.


“Glaubst du an Schicksal? Exploring the Interplay of Belief and Luck”

Glaubst du an Schicksal?

Do you believe in Schicksal, the German term for destiny or fate? It’s a question that often lingers in the realm of philosophical pondering, and opinions vary as widely as the stars in the night sky. Personally, I find myself caught in a delicate dance between embracing the concept of fate and questioning the role luck plays in our lives.

There are moments when I’m inclined to believe that destiny weaves a predetermined tapestry for each of us. It’s comforting to think that certain events are destined to occur, guided by an invisible hand steering us toward our unique paths. Yet, as much as I embrace this idea, there are instances where I find myself skeptical, questioning the randomness that luck introduces into our lives.

Luck, that capricious force, has a way of surprising us when we least expect it. It can feel like a benevolent companion, showering us with opportunities and unexpected joys. However, just as swiftly, luck can retreat, leaving us to navigate challenges and uncertainties on our own. In these moments, the concept of Schicksal might seem distant, and we might wonder if we are the architects of our own fate.

Life, it seems, is a delicate balance between the cosmic choreography of destiny and the unpredictable whims of luck. It’s an intricate interplay that keeps us guessing, reminding us that perhaps our journey is a blend of both predetermined paths and the choices we make along the way.

As we navigate this enigmatic dance of fate and luck, it’s essential to recognize the beauty in the uncertainty. Embracing the unknown can be liberating, allowing us to appreciate the unpredictability of life. Whether we believe in a preordained destiny or attribute our experiences to chance, acknowledging the mystery surrounding our existence can add depth to our perspectives.

What are your thoughts on Schicksal? Do you lean towards the comforting embrace of destiny, or do you find solace in the unpredictability of luck? Share your reflections in the comments below. Don’t forget to like this post, subscribe for more engaging content, and let’s continue this conversation in our community. Until next time, thank you for being part of this journey.

See you on the next post!🥰


Was langweilt dich?

Was langweilt dich?

In der heutigen schnelllebigen Welt suchen viele von uns nach geistiger Anregung und tieferen Verbindungen. Die Frage “Was langweilt dich?” kann oft viel über unsere Präferenzen und Werte aussagen. Persönlich finde ich Langeweile in der Gesellschaft von Menschen, die nicht intelligent sind oder die Faulheit schätzen.

Intelligenz ist für mich faszinierend und inspirierend. Der Austausch von klugen Gedanken, Ideen und Perspektiven erweitert den Horizont und fördert eine bereichernde Diskussion. Ein intellektuell anregendes Gespräch kann wie ein geistiges Abenteuer sein, bei dem wir uns gemeinsam in die Tiefen des Wissens wagen.

Auf der anderen Seite kann Faulheit mich schnell langweilen. Menschen, die sich nicht für persönliches Wachstum oder produktive Aktivitäten interessieren, scheinen mir oft die kostbare Zeit zu verschwenden, die wir zur Verfügung haben. Die Fähigkeit, sich selbst herauszufordern und nach Exzellenz zu streben, schätze ich bei anderen sehr.

In unseren sozialen Interaktionen sollten wir nach Qualität streben. Ein Austausch von Ideen, der von Neugier und Respekt geprägt ist, kann bereichernder sein als oberflächliche Gespräche. Die Kunst, eine Konversation zu führen, die den Geist anregt und inspiriert, ist ein Weg, um die Beziehungen zu Menschen zu vertiefen.

Denk daran, den Blog zu abonnieren, zu liken und zu teilen, wenn du dich für tiefsinnige Gespräche und die Suche nach Inspiration interessierst. Lass uns gemeinsam die Freude an intellektueller Neugierde und produktivem Engagement feiern. Auf eine Welt voller faszinierender Gespräche! 🌐✨


“The Break Dilemma: Do You Need One?”

Brauchst du eine Pause? Wovon?

In the fast-paced world we live in, the idea of taking a break often crosses our minds. But from what exactly? In a society where work seems to be an inevitable part of our lives, is it possible to break free from its grasp?

Some might argue that a break from work is essential, citing burnout and stress as reasons. However, the reality is, without work and the financial stability it brings, the peace sought might be overshadowed by restlessness and a constant worry about the future.

Life itself is exempt from the break equation – after all, the only way to truly take a break from life is to be, well, not alive. So, the question persists: Do we really need a break from the challenges and stresses life throws our way?


While it may seem counterintuitive, facing challenges might be a sign of growth. These hurdles are like stepping stones, guiding us to higher and better places. A life without challenges could mean stagnation, and who wants to remain in their comfort zone forever?

But, of course, there are aspects where a break is not just welcome but necessary. Holidays, self-care, and moments of introspection contribute to personal growth and overall well-being. It’s crucial to take breaks for the mind to rejuvenate and the body to recharge.

So, what do you need a break from? Is it the relentless work hours, the challenges that seem insurmountable, or just a pause to nurture your mental and physical health? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Remember to take breaks that align with your personal growth and well-being. Have a wonderful day, and don’t forget to like, share, comment, and subscribe for more content. Until my next post, take care!


Unfinished Chapters: Confronting the Unread Pages on my To-Do List

Nenne etwas auf deiner „To-do-Liste“, das nie erledigt wird.

We all have that one elusive item on our to-do list, an aspiration or goal that never quite finds its way to fruition. For me, it’s the simple act of reading. Despite my best intentions and even having crafted a detailed plan, I find myself stuck in a cycle of procrastination.

As the weeks turn into months, my unread books gather dust on the shelf, a constant reminder of the untapped worlds awaiting exploration. There’s a peculiar irony in drafting plans to read more while the very act of reading seems to elude my daily routine.

Acknowledging this shortcoming is the first step towards breaking free from the chains of complacency. It’s easy to fall into the trap of busyness, but recognizing the importance of carving out time for personal growth is vital. As I commit to being more intentional about reading, I am curious to see how this change will unfold before the midpoint of the year.

📸 from Amazon

Perhaps, like many others, your to-do list harbors an item that remains perpetually unchecked. It could be learning a new skill, pursuing a hobby, or dedicating time to self-care. Sundays, with their serene ambiance, serve as a perfect moment to reflect on these unfulfilled aspirations.

Let’s challenge ourselves to embrace change and take actionable steps towards ticking off those pending tasks. Happy Sunday to you all, and as always, don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe. Until my next post, let’s turn the pages of our to-do lists together.


Culinary Love: Plantains and Meat – A Duo Like No Other!

Was kochst du am liebsten?

Hey food enthusiasts! Welcome back to my kitchen chronicles. Today, I’m here to spill the beans (or should I say plantains) on my absolute favorite thing to cook – Plantain! 🍌💚 And, of course, the perfect partner in crime, meat!

Plaintain and stew😘

Let me just start by declaring my undying love for plantains. Seriously, there’s something magical about these golden delights that I can’t resist. I’ve tried them in every form imaginable – fried, boiled, in porridge, as chips, boli, grilled, even transformed into fufu! The versatility of plantains never ceases to amaze me, making them the ultimate canvas for culinary creativity. Whether paired with spicy peppersoup or enjoyed solo, the options are endless, and my heart (and stomach) are all in! ❤️

Now, let’s talk about the other half of this dynamic duo – meat. Oh, the joy meat brings into my life! I might entertain the idea of being vegan for half a day, but when it comes down to it, meat is the real love of my culinary journey. The sizzling sounds, the savory aromas – it’s a love affair that can’t be denied. From succulent steaks to hearty stews, meat is the secret ingredient that elevates any dish to a whole new level.

And here’s the best part – combining plantains and meat! Picture this: perfectly fried plantains paired with juicy, seasoned meat. It’s a match made in foodie heaven. The sweetness of the plantains perfectly complements the savory goodness of the meat, creating a symphony of flavors that dance on your taste buds.

So, what about you? What’s your go-to dish, the one you could cook in your sleep, the culinary creation that makes your heart sing? Let’s chat about it! Share your favorites in the comments, and let’s exchange some mouth-watering recipes.

Thanks for joining me in this ode to plantains and meat. Until next time, keep cooking, keep exploring, and see you in my next post filled with more kitchen adventures! 🥰🍽️


My First Computer: A Gateway to Gaming and Missed Opportunities

Schreibe über deinen ersten Computer.

Hey, lovely readers! Welcome back to my blog. Today, I’m taking a trip down memory lane to share the story of my first computer, a gift from my Uncle back in the year 2000. Although I don’t have a photo to capture its nostalgic charm, the memories are vivid.

Back in 2000, my Uncle, residing in the USA, surprised me with my very own computer. At that time, owning a computer was a big deal, and I felt like I had received a treasure chest of possibilities.

The excitement of having a computer, however, quickly translated into endless gaming sessions. It became my ultimate gaming console, allowing me to explore virtual worlds, conquer levels, and immerse myself in captivating stories. Looking back, I realize that my focus on gaming led to my overlooking the true potential of that computer.

Regrettably, I didn’t take the time to learn about its full capacity or understand the vast possibilities it offered. Instead of delving into its various functionalities, I confined myself to the gaming realm, blissfully unaware of the valuable skills and knowledge I could have gained.

As time passed, I began to recognize my missed opportunities. The computer was not just a gaming device; it was a window to a world of knowledge, creativity, and possibilities. It could have been a tool for learning, exploring different software, and understanding the basics of computing.

Reflecting on this, I can’t help but feel a sense of regret. However, the experience taught me a valuable lesson about seizing opportunities and exploring the full potential of the resources at our disposal.

Now, as we step into a new month, I encourage you all to reflect on your own opportunities. Have you fully explored the capabilities of the tools in your life? Are there untapped potentials waiting to be discovered?

Let’s make a collective effort to embrace new possibilities, learn, and grow. Happy new month, everyone! Don’t forget to share, like, and subscribe for more stories and insights. Until next time, stay curious and keep exploring!🥰


Hydration Delight: Sipping Towards a Healthier You! 💦🍋

Hello, health enthusiasts! 🌿 Welcome to Day 3 of our wellness journey – and today, we’re diving into the refreshing world of hydration. Grab your water bottles, because we’re about to explore why staying hydrated is not just essential but can also be incredibly enjoyable.

Hydration is the cornerstone of our well-being. From boosting energy levels to supporting digestion and promoting radiant skin, the benefits are endless. So, let’s raise a glass to the liquid gold that is water! I personally struggle with drinking water and can only drink carbonated water.

Infused Water Magic

Refreshing Citrus Mint Infused Water**


  • 1 lemon, thinly sliced
  • 1 lime, thinly sliced
  • 1 orange, thinly sliced
  • A handful of fresh mint leaves
  • Ice cubes (optional)
Infused water with 🍋, cucumber 🥒 and Minze leaf

One of my favorite ways to make hydration exciting is through infused water. Have you tried the delightful trio of ginger, cucumber, and lemon? The zingy freshness will awaken your taste buds and keep you reaching for more. Another personal favorite is cloves infused water with a twist of lemon – a delicious concoction that offers both flavor and health benefits.

To add an extra layer of fun, I’ve incorporated hydration challenges into my routine. Whether it’s a daily goal to finish a certain number of water bottles or trying a new infused water recipe each week, these challenges turn hydration into an engaging and rewarding activity.

Remember, small changes can lead to significant benefits. By focusing on hydrating choices, we’re paving the way for improved health and well-being. It’s about creating habits that contribute to our overall vitality.

Saying Cheers to Detox

This month, I’m taking a step towards a healthier me by letting go of alcohol. As part of my detox journey, I’m relying on the goodness of infused water to keep me refreshed and on track. It’s a small commitment with big potential benefits, and I’m excited to see the positive changes unfold.

Share Your Infused Water Secrets

Now, I want to hear from you! What kind of infused water do you enjoy? Is there a go-to recipe that adds a burst of flavor to your hydration routine? Drop your favorites in the comments – let’s inspire each other to sip our way to better health.

Subscribe, Like, Share, and Comment

And, of course, don’t forget to subscribe, like, share, and comment if you enjoyed this post. Your engagement fuels the community, and I appreciate each one of you. Until Day 4, keep sipping and stay hydrated! 🥤💧

Cheers to our health! 🌿✨


Embracing the Academic Journey: My Love for Phillips University of Marburg

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ―

Mahatma Gandhi

Hey, wonderful readers! 📘✨ Today, let’s dive into the heart of my academic journey as I share my experiences at Phillips University of Marburg – a school that’s not just a place of learning but an entire city of knowledge!

Phillips University of Marburg: A Unique Academic Haven

Nestled in the charming city of Marburg, Phillips University has become my second home, and let me tell you, it’s quite a trip! The university is seamlessly integrated into the city, with almost every building housing a school. This immersive learning environment adds a distinctive charm to the entire educational experience.

City of Knowledge: Marburg

Elizabethkirsche historic church in Marburg

Marburg, in itself, is a spectacle. The cobblestone streets, historic architecture, and vibrant student life make it a dream destination for academic pursuits. The city breathes education, creating an atmosphere that stimulates curiosity and fosters a love for learning.

Why I Love Phillips University

  1. Inclusive Environment: The university’s commitment to diversity and inclusion creates an environment where students from various backgrounds feel welcome and supported.
  2. Quality of Education: Phillips University is renowned for its academic excellence. The professors are not just educators but mentors who inspire critical thinking and intellectual curiosity.
  3. Interactive Learning: The integration of learning spaces within the city allows for a dynamic and interactive educational experience. It’s not just about classrooms; it’s about exploring knowledge throughout the city.
  4. Community Spirit: The sense of community at Phillips is palpable. Whether participating in student activities, cultural events, or collaborative projects, there’s a shared spirit of camaraderie that enhances the overall university experience.

The ICE Train Experience: A University Perk!

And let’s talk about our ticket to and from Marburg – the ICE train! Who else can boast of such a perk? 😂 The convenience and efficiency of traveling on the ICE train add an extra layer of comfort to our academic journey.

Marburg Students enjoys this perk 🫶

Share Your School Love!

Now, I’m curious to hear about your academic journey. What school did you attend, and what qualities do you love about it? Drop your thoughts in the comments – let’s celebrate the diversity of educational experiences!

New Year, New Beginnings

As we embrace the new year, I hope your academic pursuits and personal goals are off to a fantastic start. Share your highlights and aspirations; I’d love to hear about them.

Subscribe, Like, and Share

And before we part ways, don’t forget to subscribe, like, and share if you enjoyed this post. Your support means the world! Until my next post, take care, keep learning, and goodbye for now! 📚🌟


A Fresh Start: My Healthy Morning Routine and New Year’s Celebration

“This year better be amazing. After last year and…well…the year before that one. It has to be amazing.”


Hey there, beautiful souls! 🌅 Welcome to my blog, and a very happy new year to each of you! 🎉 As we step into a brand-new chapter, I wanted to share a glimpse into my world and kick off with Day 1 of my healthy morning routine.

Morning Bliss: A Holistic Approach

Every morning is a new opportunity to embrace well-being, and mine begins with a practice close to my heart – prayer. Taking a moment to center myself, express gratitude, and set positive intentions for the day ahead is my spiritual anchor.

[Link to Caroline Girvan’s YouTube Channel: Caroline Girvan]

Next up, I dive into a workout routine led by the amazing Caroline Girvan. Her YouTube channel is a treasure trove of effective and dynamic workouts that keep me motivated and energized. From strength training to cardio, Caroline’s routines are the perfect kickstart to my day.

Fasting Until 6: A Mindful Approach to Nutrition

After my morning rituals, I embrace intermittent fasting until 6 PM. This intentional approach to nutrition not only aligns with my personal health goals but also allows me to experience the mental clarity and focus that fasting can bring.

Peppersoup Remnants: A Nourishing Meal

Breaking my fast, I will be savoring the flavors of the new year with a meal that carries the essence of celebration – peppersoup remnants. Packed with warmth and tradition, this dish is a beautiful way to connect with the joyous memories of the new year.

Reflections on New Year’s Celebration

Speaking of celebrations, how was your new year’s eve? Mine was filled with laughter, good company, and, of course, a touch of nostalgia as I bid farewell to the past year and welcomed the promises of the new one.

Cheers to a Great Year Ahead! 😊

As I embark on this journey into 2023, I am filled with optimism and excitement. This year is bound to be great, filled with opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and meaningful connections.

Thank you for joining me on Day 1 of my healthy morning routine and a glimpse into my new year celebration. I’d love to hear about your morning rituals and new year experiences, so drop your thoughts in the comments.

And, of course, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share if you enjoyed this post. Let’s make this year incredible together! 🚀✨

Till my next post, take care and stay radiant! 💖🌟


Embracing Challenges: Navigating Purpose in the New Year

Was sind deine größten Herausforderungen?

Hey, amazing souls! 🌟 As we step into this new year, new day, and new month, I find myself reflecting on the biggest challenges that lie ahead. For me, it’s all about embracing purpose and aligning my actions with what I believe I was brought to this earth to do.

A New Year, A New Resolve

This year, my primary challenge is to be purposeful – to walk in my purpose with intention and grace. It’s about making deliberate choices that align with my values and contribute to my journey of personal and spiritual growth.

Happy new year everyone 🎊🥰

Intentionality in Action

Being purposeful requires intentionality. It’s not merely about setting goals but about infusing every action with meaning. I’m making a commitment to approach each day with a clear sense of purpose, knowing that every step I take contributes to the greater narrative of my life.

Guided by Faith

In this pursuit, I find strength in my faith. I believe challenges are not stumbling blocks but rather stepping stones. It’s a divine message that the next level of our journey is nearby. As I face challenges, I am reminded that God never gives us a challenge bigger than our capacity to overcome it.

Ready for the Next Level

This year, I am ready and eager to take on any challenge that comes my way. Challenges are opportunities for growth, and I am determined to approach them with a positive mindset, knowing that each hurdle is a pathway to a higher level of purpose and fulfillment.

How’s Your Day Going?

I’d love to hear about your challenges and triumphs. How is your day going? What challenges are you currently navigating, and what lessons are you learning along the way? Share your thoughts in the comments; let’s support each other on this journey.

Wishing You a Wonderful New Year

As we embark on this new year, I wish each of you a wonderful journey filled with purpose, joy, and accomplishments. May you navigate challenges with resilience and emerge stronger on the other side.

Join Me in the 30 Days Fitness Journey

And, hey, don’t forget to join me in my 30-day fitness journey! Let’s motivate each other to stay active and healthy. Together, we’ll conquer challenges and celebrate victories.

Until Next Time

Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. Until my next post, take care, celebrate your wins, and keep shining. Here’s to purpose, challenges, and the beautiful journey ahead! 🚀✨


Embarking on a 30-Day Wellness Adventure

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of the dynamic and creative intellectual activity”

— John F. Kennedy

Hey everyone, and a happy new year to you all! 🎊 I hope this year brings joy, growth, and positive transformations into each of our lives. Now, here’s something new – I’m not one to usually dive into challenges, but this year, I’ve decided to challenge myself, and I want you to come along for the ride!

Setting the Stage for Change

Embarking on a wellness journey is more than just a commitment; it’s a transformative experience. My goal over the next 30 days is to share insights, challenges, and triumphs as I navigate the path towards a healthier version of myself. Whether you’re already on a wellness journey or just starting out, I invite you to join me and be a part of this positive community.

In this new year, I’ve decided to explore wellness in a unique way. For the next 30 days, I will be incorporating fasting into my routine. This decision comes with a mix of excitement, curiosity, and a desire to push my boundaries. Fasting has been known to have various health benefits, and I’m eager to share my experiences and insights with you throughout this journey.

What to Expect

  1. Daily Routines: Discover the rituals that set the tone for my day. From morning routines that energize to evening habits that promote relaxation, we’ll explore the power of consistency.
  2. Workout Tips: Fitness doesn’t have to be complicated. I’ll be sharing practical workout tips that are easily incorporated into busy schedules, making exercise enjoyable and accessible.
  3. Nutritious Recipes: Food is fuel, and I’ll be showcasing delicious and nutritious recipes that not only nourish the body but also tantalize the taste buds. Get ready for a culinary journey!

Let’s Make It Interactive

This journey is not just about me – it’s about us! If you have questions, specific topics you’d like me to cover, or even your own wellness tips, drop them in the comments. This is a space for collaboration and shared growth. Together, we’ll build a supportive community that inspires positive changes.

Join the Conversation

Use the hashtag #HealthJourney and #WellnessAdventure to connect with others on a similar path. Share your experiences, challenges, and victories. Let’s uplift and motivate each other to reach our wellness goals.

Final Thoughts

I’m genuinely excited about the next 30 days and the positive transformations that await. Remember, small changes lead to significant results. So, whether you’re looking for motivation, tips, or just a friendly community, you’re in the right place.

Let’s embark on this wellness adventure together – because a healthier and happier life is within reach. Cheers to positive changes! 💪✨


Living Creatively: A Symphony of Writing, Singing, and Cherished Traditions

Wie lebst du deine Kreativität aus?

Creativity is the vibrant force that allows us to express ourselves uniquely, finding joy in the process and leaving an indelible mark on our lives. For me, the canvas of creativity unfolds through the harmonious blend of writing, singing, and the cherished traditions that make life extraordinary. As Christmas dawns, I find myself immersed in the enchanting Weihnachtsmarkt in Germany, where the spirit of the season comes alive.

Living Creatively through Writing and Singing:
Writing has become my literary sanctuary, a realm where thoughts dance gracefully on the page, creating a tapestry of emotions and ideas. It serves as a mirror reflecting my inner world and an outlet for the stories that yearn to be told.

Singing, another channel of my creativity, allows me to weave melodies that resonate with the rhythm of my soul. Whether it’s the resonance of a heartfelt ballad or the jubilant notes of a celebratory tune, singing is an intimate expression of my emotions.

Weihnachtsmarkt Magic:
As the Christmas season unfurls its magic, the Weihnachtsmarkt becomes a cherished tradition that adds vibrancy to the tapestry of my life. This year, in the company of my two ex-colleagues turned friends, the market transformed into a kaleidoscope of joy. From sipping warm Glühwein to indulging in delectable sweets and savoring Würstchen, every moment became a symphony of laughter and shared experiences.

My lovely 🥰 friends

Exploring the market’s stalls for unique treasures and festive decorations is a ritual that brings a sense of wonder and delight. The twinkling lights, the scent of roasted chestnuts, and the festive ambiance create a magical backdrop for making lasting memories.

Dog 🐕 snacks at the Weihnachtsmarkt

On this Christmas day, I extend my deepest gratitude to all who have taken the time to read my creative musings. Your presence and engagement add another layer of richness to the tapestry of my creative journey.

As we bid farewell to this Christmas post, I leave you with a simple wish: eat, drink, and be merry. May the echoes of laughter and the warmth of shared moments linger long after the holiday season, reminding us of the beauty found in living creatively.

Wishing you all the best this Christmas and looking forward to sharing more creative adventures in my next post.


A Glimpse into 1988: A Year of Significance in Global and Nigerian History

Erzähle uns, was du über das Jahr deiner Geburt weißt.

In the tapestry of time, each year weaves a unique story marked by historical events, cultural shifts, and momentous occurrences. As we delve into the pages of 1988, a year that shaped the course of history, we uncover a tapestry of global changes and notable events. In this blog, we’ll explore the significant happenings both worldwide and in Nigeria during that pivotal year.

Global Highlights of 1988:

  1. End of the Cold War: The political landscape saw significant shifts as the Cold War began to thaw. The United States and the Soviet Union engaged in diplomatic talks, setting the stage for the eventual end of the Cold War.
  2. Olympic Games in Seoul: The 1988 Summer Olympics took place in Seoul, South Korea, providing a platform for global unity through sport. Memorable moments included Ben Johnson’s disqualification for doping, overshadowing his earlier victory in the 100m dash.
  3. Formation of Al-Qaeda: The seeds of a future global threat were sown as Al-Qaeda was officially formed by Osama bin Laden in 1988. This event would have far-reaching consequences in the decades to come.
  4. NASA’s Space Shuttle Program: NASA’s Space Shuttle program reached new heights with the launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery. The year also marked the first American woman in space, Sally Ride, taking part in her second mission.

Nigeria in 1988:

  1. Political Landscape: Nigeria, in 1988, was under the military rule of General Ibrahim Babangida. The country experienced political reforms, including the establishment of a two-party system aimed at transitioning to civilian rule.
  2. Economic Developments: Nigeria witnessed economic changes, with the introduction of the Structural Adjustment Program (SAP) to address economic challenges. This program aimed to stabilize the economy and encourage foreign investment.
  3. Cultural Milestones: The year was marked by cultural events, including the release of Nigerian musician Fela Kuti’s album “Beasts of No Nation,” which addressed socio-political issues.
  4. Sports Achievements: Nigeria’s national football team, the Super Eagles, achieved success by winning the African Cup of Nations, showcasing the country’s prowess in football.


A lot happened this year😊😊.
As we reflect on the events of 1988, we recognize the interconnectedness of global and local histories. The world underwent transformative changes, and Nigeria navigated its own path of political, economic, and cultural evolution. By understanding the significance of this year, we gain valuable insights into the roots of contemporary issues and the shaping of the world as we know it today. Season’s greetings to all, and if you enjoyed this journey through history, don’t forget to comment, like, and subscribe for more engaging content!


Ist dein Leben heute so, wie du es dir vor einem Jahr vorgestellt hast?

Ist dein Leben heute so, wie du es dir vor einem Jahr vorgestellt hast?

Stell dir vor, du könntest eine Zeitreise machen und dich selbst vor einem Jahr treffen. Würdest du erkennen, wer du damals warst? Noch wichtiger: Ist dein Leben heute so, wie du es dir in deinen kühnsten Träumen vorgestellt hast? Wenn deine Antwort “Ja” ist, dann herzlichen Glückwunsch! Wenn nicht, bist du definitiv nicht allein.

Als Kinder hatten wir oft klare Vorstellungen davon, wie unser Leben aussehen sollte. Träume von Karrieren, Häusern, Beziehungen und Abenteuern füllten unsere Gedanken. Aber das Leben hat einen eigenen Weg, uns zu überraschen.

Persönlich habe ich festgestellt, dass meine Vorstellungen von vor einem Jahr weit entfernt von der Realität sind. Damals hatte ich vielleicht klare Pläne, aber das Leben hatte andere. Und das ist okay. In der Wahrheit liegt oft die Schönheit des Lebens.

Das Leben ist wie ein unberechenbares Abenteuer, bei dem wir nie genau wissen, was als Nächstes kommt. Es ist okay, wenn deine Pläne nicht aufgegangen sind. Das Wichtige ist, dass du den Mut findest, dich anzupassen und das Beste aus jeder Situation zu machen.

Vielleicht bist du heute an einem Ort, den du vor einem Jahr nicht für möglich gehalten hättest. Vielleicht hast du neue Menschen getroffen, bist neuen Herausforderungen begegnet oder hast sogar etwas über dich selbst gelernt.

Anstatt uns darüber zu ärgern, dass unser Leben nicht so verlaufen ist wie geplant, sollten wir uns auf das konzentrieren, was wir aus den Erfahrungen gelernt haben. Das Leben ist eine fortlaufende Lektion, und wir sind alle Schüler auf dieser Reise.

Also, nimm dir einen Moment Zeit, um zu reflektieren. Bist du glücklich mit der Person, die du heute bist? Wenn ja, feiere deine Erfolge. Wenn nicht, denke daran, dass jede neue Sekunde eine Chance für Veränderungen und Wachstum bietet.

Das Leben ist ein ständiger Wandel, und manchmal müssen wir einfach mit dem Fluss gehen. Also, lass uns das kommende Jahr mit offenen Armen begrüßen und gespannt darauf sein, welche Überraschungen das Leben für uns bereithält.

Bis bald auf unserer gemeinsamen Reise des Lebens! 🌟


Embracing the Spotlight: My Journey on Stage and Behind the Mic

Warst du schon einmal auf der Bühne gestanden oder hast eine Rede gehalten?

Have you ever found yourself standing under the spotlight, whether on a stage or in front of an audience, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness? Well, I certainly have, and my journey through the realms of dance, singing, and public speaking has been nothing short of an unexpected adventure.

In my early years, I discovered a passion for dancing that took me by surprise. Primary school was the breeding ground for my initial ventures into the world of rhythmic expression. Winning little awards became a norm, and I found myself being thrust into the limelight not just once but many times. The spotlight continued to follow me through secondary school, where I became a familiar face performing in front of people, despite my reservations about being in the spotlight.

As I transitioned into university life, my dance moves took on a life of their own, especially within my department and at various parties. The unexpected perk? I even got paid for doing what I loved. Little did I know that another surprise awaited me – the revelation that I could sing. Encouragement from a fantastic teacher and my aunt propelled me into the world of singing, leading me to perform at events. The irony? I’ve always been terrified of standing in front of people, a fear that persists even now. Yet, somehow, I always find myself in the spotlight, much to my amusement.

🙈🙈 Singing me? Nah? 🥰😂

Speaking of speeches, if you’ve navigated through the corridors of school, university, or found yourself in a role that demands public presence, you’ve likely encountered the unavoidable task of addressing an audience. I, for one, can attest to the discomfort that comes with it. Despite my reluctance, the need to speak in public has followed me throughout my academic and professional journey.

I still prefer to be behind the Mic 🎤 it makes it easier for me to contribute even though I can do that upfront but you just won’t get the best of me.😂

So, have you ever been on stage or given a speech? It’s a universal experience that often creeps into our lives when we least expect it. Share your stories, resonate with the moments of triumph and awkwardness, and let’s navigate this shared journey together.

If you can relate or have your own tales to tell, feel free to share your experiences in the comments. Don’t forget to follow, like, and share this post, and stay tuned for more adventures in my upcoming posts.

Until then, embrace the spotlight, face your fears, and remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Until my next post, farewell!🥰


Embracing the Sweat and Finding Joy in Physical Activities

“Do you know what my favorite part of the game is? The opportunity to play.”

Mike Singletary

In a world where fitness often feels like a chore, I’ve discovered a secret – I don’t exactly love sports, but I adore the results they bring. One of my go-to physical activities is the simple yet effective act of walking. It’s not just a stroll; it’s a routine, a habit, a constant in my life.

My walk days 🥰🏃‍♀️

Weightlifting has become another passion of mine. The feeling of lifting weights, challenging myself, and witnessing the gradual transformation of my body is empowering. Cardio, though it leaves me breathless, is a crucial part of my weekly routine. Five to six times a week, I engage in these activities, not necessarily because I enjoy every moment, but because I value the outcomes.

I Love ❤️ these weightlifting 🏋️‍♀️

Now, let’s talk about those results. The post-workout soreness is real; there’s no denying it. Yet, the physical changes and the sense of accomplishment make every ache worthwhile. It’s a journey, not just to physical fitness but to a healthier, more resilient version of myself.

So, what about you? What are your favorite physical activities that keep you moving? Share your thoughts in the comments, don’t forget to like and subscribe, and let’s continue this fitness journey together.

Until the next post, bye for now!🥰


Reflecting on Acts of Selflessness”

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.

Dalai Lama XIV

Have you ever pondered what it is about others that captivates your admiration? For me, it’s the virtue of selflessness. The ability to put others before oneself, to give without expecting anything in return – it’s an act that leaves me in awe.

Honestly, I question if I possess the same capacity for selflessness. It requires a depth of patience and a generosity of spirit that not everyone can effortlessly muster. Those who exhibit such selflessness command my respect, and I find myself inspired by their ability to carry out such acts with grace and humility.

Do you share the same sentiment, or is there another quality that leaves you admiring others? Let’s engage in a conversation! Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and drop your thoughts in the comments below.

Until my next post, farewell!


Tierische Begegnungen: Wo kann man Wildtiere entdecken?

Was ist dein Lieblings-Cartoon?

Hast du dich schon einmal gefragt, wann und wo man wildlebende Tiere sehen kann? Ich persönlich sehe sie leider nicht oft. Kommt das bei dir öfter vor? Vielleicht im Zoo oder während eines aufregenden Urlaubs in Afrika? Oder gehören Hörnchen auch zu den Wildtieren? 😂 Manchmal habe ich das Gefühl, sie zumindest zu erblicken.

Können Sie den Hörnchen sehen? 🥰

Das Thema wildlebende Tiere regt zum Nachdenken an. Während einige von uns Glück haben und wilde Tiere in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung beobachten können, bleibt für andere die Begegnung auf Zoos oder exotische Reiseziele beschränkt.

Ich erinnere mich daran, dass ich oft gefragt wurde, ob ich zu Hause einen Löwen habe. Meine Antwort war immer Ja. Mein Vater hat eine Schlange, meine Mutter einen Tiger – Geschwister mit unterschiedlichen Tieren. Das liegt daran, dass einige Leute denken, dass wir Afrikaner entweder viele Wildtiere gesehen haben oder sie bei uns zu Hause haben. Aber dafür kann ich nichts.- ich meine ihren Gedanken 💭 oder Ignoranz.

Jeder hat seine eigene Art, wildlebende Tiere zu entdecken oder sich von ihrer Magie faszinieren zu lassen. Vielleicht teilst du uns in den Kommentaren mit, welche Tiere du gerne beobachtest oder welches abenteuerliche Tiererlebnis du bereits hattest.

Ich hoffe, euer Wochenende verläuft wundervoll. Bis zum nächsten Beitrag – ciao! 🌿🦓


Exploring Heavenly Destinations: My Greek Odyssey 🌍

Hast du einen Lieblingsort, an dem du schon warst? Welcher ist es?

Have you ever experienced a place so mesmerizing that it felt like a glimpse into divine craftsmanship? For me, that place is Greece 🇬🇷. This summer, I had the privilege of immersing myself in the awe-inspiring beauty of this Mediterranean gem, and it left an indelible mark on my wanderlust-infused soul.

Greece, with its rich history, picturesque landscapes, and architectural marvels, is undoubtedly God’s masterpiece. As I traversed through its ancient ruins, pristine beaches, and charming villages, I couldn’t help but marvel at the time and care that went into creating such a breathtaking destination.

Just look at that 🌊 insist not breathtaking?🥰

The beauty of Greece extends beyond its postcard-perfect scenes; it’s a symphony of culture, mythology, and warm hospitality. Each step feels like a journey through time, connecting with the stories of gods and heroes that echo through its ancient walls.

Kavala is a City to behold🥰🇬🇷

While I cherish the memories of my Greek adventure, I find myself yearning to explore more. There are countless islands, cities, and hidden gems waiting to be discovered. The allure of different states within Greece beckons, promising new wonders and experiences.

Moreover, this journey has ignited a desire to explore other countries with equally captivating landscapes. Whether it’s the rolling hills of Tuscany, the fjords of Norway, or the cherry blossoms in Japan, the world is brimming with beauty, and I yearn to witness it all.

So, where is your dream destination? I invite you to share your favorite places and travel aspirations in the comments below. Let’s inspire each other to embark on new adventures.

Don’t forget to like, comment, and share. Until our paths cross in the next post, farewell! 🌟✈️


Embracing Growth: Conquering Procrastination and Self-Criticism

Welche eine Sache würdest du an dir ändern?

Procrastination and self-criticism – two hurdles many of us grapple with on our journey of self-improvement. Personally, I find myself entangled in these challenges more often than I’d like to admit. It’s a struggle that many can resonate with – the perpetual battle against the tendency to delay tasks and the relentless habit of being overly critical of oneself.

The Procrastination Predicament: A Personal Struggle

Procrastination, the thief of time, has a way of sneaking into our lives when we least expect it. The allure of distraction and the promise of doing it “tomorrow” often overshadow the urgency of the present moment. Whether it’s work-related tasks, personal projects, or even simple chores, the tendency to procrastinate can hinder personal and professional growth.

Navigating the Waters of Self-Criticism

Equally challenging is the perpetual loop of self-criticism. The incessant thoughts of not being good enough, smart enough, or capable enough can create a mental environment that stifles progress. Learning to navigate through these self-critical waters is a journey towards building resilience and fostering a positive self-image.

What One Thing Would I Change?

Reflecting on these challenges, I find myself contemplating the question: What one thing would I change about myself? The answer becomes clear – the power to overcome procrastination and silence the harsh inner critic. Imagine the possibilities that could unfold if the shackles of procrastination were broken and self-criticism replaced with self-compassion.

Embracing Growth and Change

This journey is not about eradicating flaws but embracing growth. It’s about recognizing the areas that hinder our progress and taking intentional steps towards positive change. Overcoming procrastination involves cultivating discipline and creating habits that foster productivity. Tackling self-criticism requires developing self-awareness and practicing self-compassion.

What about you? What one thing would you change about yourself? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Let’s embark on this journey of self-discovery and growth together.

And, if you found this reflection resonating with your own struggles, don’t forget to hit the like button, subscribe for more content on personal development, and stay tuned for our next exploration into the realms of self-improvement.

Until we meet again, remember – change begins with a single step. Bye for now!🥰


Embracing the Early Hours: A Shift in My Daily Routine

“In the morning a man walks with his whole body; in the evening, only with his legs.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Are you more inclined towards the day or night? As for me, I proudly declare myself a morning person. The crack of dawn brings out the best in me, and I seize the opportunity to accomplish most of my daily tasks before the clock strikes noon. My exercise routine kicks in early, typically between 5 to 9 a.m., as anything beyond that feels like pushing my limits.

However, in a bid to explore productivity from a different perspective, I decided to switch things up in August. After a brief illness, I thought perhaps tackling my work and routine in the afternoon or evening might yield better results. Alas, it wasn’t the case, and I found myself struggling to adapt. The inertia to return to my early morning routine persisted.

Now, I’m slowly making my way back to the morning hustle, embracing the wisdom of the proverb “slowly but surely.” The struggle is real, yet the morning aura is proving its unparalleled charm.

What about you? What time of the day brings out your productivity best? Share your thoughts, and let’s embark on this journey of discovering our optimal daily rhythms together. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share.

Until our next rendezvous, take care! 🌅💪🥰


Exploring Perspectives on Meat Consumption

I would make a poor vegetarian because I adore meat.

Britt Ekland

The topic of meat consumption is one that has been on my mind since I moved to Germany. In Nigeria, where I come from, our meals sometimes include meat and sometimes don’t. It’s a balanced approach, with meat as a part of the dish, not the entire meal.

However, here in Germany, I discovered a vibrant community of vegans. It made me reflect on my own meat-eating habits. I consider myself a moderate meat consumer. I enjoy having meat in my meals, but in reasonable portions. It’s about the harmony of flavors, not an overwhelming focus on meat.

Confession time – I’m an unabashed meat lover. My friends and family know this about me. Yet, being in Germany made me realize how meat-centric some meals can be. It was astonishing to see the prevalence of meat in various forms.

The ethical considerations around meat consumption are crucial. It’s essential to think about how our choices impact animals. I’ve pondered the question – if I don’t consume meat, who will? It’s a complex dilemma.

While I contemplate reducing my meat intake, for now, I’ll continue to relish it in various preparations – fried, boiled, skewed, grilled, smoked, dried, you name it.

I’m curious to hear your thoughts on meat consumption. How do you approach this aspect of your diet? Share your perspective in the comments. Wishing everyone a fantastic day! Don’t forget to leave a comment, subscribe, and like.

Until my next post, goodbye!🥰


Embracing Elegance: My Beloved Wardrobe Picks

You can have anything you want in life if you dress for it.

Edith Head

In the realm of fashion, my heart is captivated by the timeless allure of dresses, the sophistication of heels, and the chic charm of skirts. These items of clothing hold a special place in my wardrobe, reflecting my personal style and love for dressing up.

Dresses, with their diverse styles and silhouettes, are my ultimate favorite. Whether it’s a flowing maxi dress for a bohemian vibe or a classic little black dress for a touch of sophistication, dresses have a unique way of making me feel both comfortable and confident. The versatility they offer allows me to express my mood and personality effortlessly.

Pairing these dresses with the perfect heels is a game-changer. The click-clack of heels against the ground adds a rhythm to my steps, enhancing my posture and elevating my overall look. Heels are not just footwear; they’re a statement, a symbol of poise and grace that I carry with pride.

Skirts, with their flirty and fun designs, bring a playful element to my wardrobe. They allow me to experiment with different tops, creating diverse outfits that suit various occasions. Skirts embody a sense of freedom, allowing me to move with ease while exuding femininity.

Dressing up is more than just putting on clothes; it’s a form of self-expression and a ritual that I cherish.

As you navigate your own wardrobe, consider the pieces that bring you joy and confidence. What are your favorite items of clothing that make you feel empowered? Share your fashion journey, and let’s revel in the beauty of self-expression together.

Wishing you a lovely Sunday filled with style and self-discovery. Until our fashion paths cross again!🥰


Navigating Life’s Crossroads

Life is about choices. Some we regret, some we’re proud of. Some will haunt us forever. The message: we are what we chose to be.”

—Graham Brown.

Have you ever pondered over the most challenging decision you’ve had to make? It’s a journey into deep contemplation. Initially, I would have thought leaving my father’s house and homeland to venture into the unknown was the toughest choice. However, upon reflection, I realized I had been independent since a young age, having lived in a boarding school since I was eight. Leaving my country didn’t seem as daunting as it might for others.

Life, with its twists and turns, presents us with a myriad of decisions – leaving relationships, completing education, navigating friendships, pursuing self-development, facing job challenges, and many more. Each decision becomes a crucial piece in the puzzle of our lives.

I firmly believe that with God, all things are possible. Challenges, in my perspective, are welcome guests. They have a unique power – to elevate us. Every challenge is an opportunity for growth, a stepping stone to the next level. I often say, “Welcome challenges, for they can only lift you higher.”

A person is often defined by the decisions they make. It’s not about what your parents did; it’s about who you are based on the choices you’ve made. Wisdom becomes the compass as we navigate through the sea of decisions that life throws our way.

Thank you for always reading. Don’t forget to like, comment, and share.

Until we meet at the next post, goodbye!🥰


Kulinarische Traditionen und festliche Genüsse

Bereitest du oder deine Familie spezielle Gerichte für die Feiertage zu?

Bereitest du oder deine Familie spezielle Gerichte für die Feiertage zu? In vielen Familien sind die Feiertage eine Zeit des besonderen Zusammenkommens, der Freude und vor allem des köstlichen Essens. Auch wenn ich persönlich nicht immer zu Hause bin, um bei den Vorbereitungen zu helfen, spielen festliche Gerichte eine zentrale Rolle in unserer Tradition.

Die Vorfreude auf die Feiertage weckt in uns die Lust, kulinarische Köstlichkeiten zuzubereiten. Die Küche wird zum Herzstück des Familienzusammenhalts. Es ist faszinierend zu beobachten, wie sich Familienrezepte von Generation zu Generation weitergeben, jeder seine eigene Note hinzufügt und so eine einzigartige festliche Küche entsteht.

In meiner Familie ist es vielleicht nicht üblich, an Weihnachten aufwendig zu kochen, aber das Neue Jahr feiern wir umso ausgelassener! Von traditionellen Gerichten wie zerstoßenen Süßkartoffeln (Utala – Ji loi loi)😋 und Egusi-Suppe oder Ofe Oha bis hin zu einer Vielfalt an Reisvariationen – Jollof, gebratener Reis – und einer imposanten Auswahl an Fleisch und Beilagen. Unsere festlichen Mahlzeiten sind ein wahrer Genuss für die Sinne.

Nkwobi 😋

Besondere Gerichte gehören für viele zu den Festtagen einfach dazu. Von regionalen Delikatessen bis hin zu internationalen Köstlichkeiten – die Vielfalt auf dem Tisch spiegelt die Freude und den Reichtum des Moments wider.

Die gemeinsame Zubereitung von Speisen schafft nicht nur leckere Ergebnisse, sondern auch unvergessliche Erinnerungen. Es ist eine Zeit, in der die Küche lebendig wird, Düfte die Luft erfüllen und das gemeinsame Essen ein Gefühl der Verbundenheit schafft.

Ich vermisse auch die Zeiten, in denen die Nachbarn ihre Köstlichkeiten teilten, und am Ende des Tages hatte man genug Essen für die ganze Woche. Es zeigt, dass die Feiertage nicht nur eine Zeit des Schenkens, sondern auch des Teilens sind.

Wie verbringst du deine Feiertage, und welche besonderen Gerichte stehen bei dir auf dem Tisch? Teile deine Festtagsfreuden und kulinarischen Traditionen mit uns!

Bis zu den nächsten Post Tschuss. 🥰


Unmasking Life’s Irritants: A Personal Exploration of Top Three Annoyances

When a poor man gets a little money, his thoughts go off in ten different directions.

Igbo adage

In the intricate tapestry of daily experiences, we all encounter irritants that can turn a harmonious existence into a challenging odyssey. Today, let’s embark on a journey through my top three annoyances, unraveling the complexities that make them a constant source of frustration.

1. Body and Mouth Odors

Undoubtedly, my primary annoyance is an olfactory assailant – body and mouth odors. Oh, the agony of encountering unpleasant scents that can transform a serene moment into an unbearable ordeal. The question that nags at me is whether people comprehend the impact of their personal hygiene on those around them. The repulsion I feel towards this sensory offense sparks contemplation on the importance of self-awareness and the art of maintaining a fragrant presence.

2. Friendships Marred by Backstabbing

A close contender for the top spot is the anguish caused by the betrayal of friends. The pain inflicted by backstabbing cuts deeper than wounds from failed relationships. It’s disheartening when individuals you trust and confide in turn out to be less than genuine. Join me as we navigate the intricacies of navigating the delicate terrain of friendships, exploring the fine line between loyalty and deceit.

3. Laziness and Its Subtle Perils

Closely trailing behind is the menace of laziness, a pervasive force that threatens to engulf us in the quagmire of “soft life” and “soft care.” In a world where the temptation of indolence looms large, it’s essential to recognize and combat the allure of complacency. As an Igbo adage wisely puts it, “the fineness of a man is money.” This sentiment prompts reflection on the delicate balance between comfort and ambition, urging us to be vigilant against the creeping grasp of lethargy.

How are you all doing? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section. Don’t forget to leave a like, share, and subscribe for more insights.

Until the next post, be good!🥰


Navigating the Ebb and Flow of Human Connections

Welche Menschen magst du zurzeit am meisten?

In the ever-changing landscape of human relationships, there are moments when I find myself adrift in a sea of emotions, questioning the bonds that tie us to others. The question arises: which people do I currently hold dear? To be candid, the answer echoes in the emptiness of a dazed haze – at this very moment, no one holds that coveted place in my heart.

Life, as we know it, propels us through phases, and currently, I find myself in a limbo where the usual cast of characters seems distant. The realization that people can be the source of both joy and pain looms large. The paradox lies in the fact that while people hurt people, my heart, seemingly unaffected, remain a curious enigma.

In this peculiar state, the distinction between hurt and pain blurs. It becomes a survival mechanism, a mantra I chant silently – “I must survive, I will survive.”

As I navigate the tumultuous waters of emotional turmoil, a peculiar pattern emerges. It is only after emerging on the other side, battle-weary but resilient, that the inclination to like people resurfaces.

Is this a defense mechanism or an inherent optimism that pushes me to rebuild connections despite the scars of the past? The complexity of the human psyche unravels, revealing a resilience that defies the very hurt I have endured. The ebb and flow of emotions bring me to a juncture where I learn to appreciate the intricacies of human connections.

In the midst of this emotional odyssey, a singular figure stands out – God. The question arises, is God a person? The ambiguity lingers, yet in moments of vulnerability, God becomes the focal point. An entity beyond the confines of human limitations, offering solace and strength when human connections falter. It is to this divine presence that I turn, offering my all, finding solace in the belief that help cometh from above.

As we traverse this intricate tapestry of emotions, let us reflect on the transient nature of our feelings. Today’s indifference may transform into tomorrow’s affection, and in acknowledging this perpetual cycle, we find a sense of acceptance.

Thank you for joining in this contemplative moment. Don’t forget to share your own experiences, and until our paths cross again, see you at the next post.🥰


“Navigating Life: The Unspoken Language of Instincts”

Vertraust du deinem Instinkt?

Greetings, dear readers!

Today, I find myself pausing to reflect on a topic that has been a profound part of my recent journey—the trust we place in our instincts. It’s a subject that has been lingering in my thoughts, affecting me in ways I couldn’t quite comprehend until now.

Instincts, that internal whisper guiding us through the labyrinth of decisions and experiences. For months and weeks, mine had been a persistent murmur, a subtle discomfort that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. A day before a significant incident unfolded, I confided in my sister and a friend, detailing exactly what I felt was going to happen. Despite their reassurances, it unfolded exactly as my instincts had forewarned. There was an odd sense of non-surprise; I knew.

In moments like these, I’m reminded of a powerful prayer point: “It will not happen the way the devil planned it.” There’s an innate strength in acknowledging and respecting the signals our instincts send, almost like a divine guidance protecting us from unseen pitfalls.

Allow me to share a poignant example—a premonition I had just four days before my best friend’s passing. Nights were sleepless, my eyes remained wide open, and yet, in the morning, everything seemed fine. This eerie pattern persisted for four consecutive days. When the unfortunate event occurred, I couldn’t dismiss the uncanny connection. It’s a testament to the fact that our instincts often perceive the undercurrents of life before they surface.

How often do we find ourselves sensing things before they happen? The challenge, as I’ve learned, lies in acknowledging and heeding these inner nudges. There have been instances where I brushed aside these feelings, only to face the repercussions later.

I’m curious about your thoughts on this topic. Do you trust your instincts? Have you experienced moments where your inner voice guided you, and how did you respond? Share your insights in the comments below.

And, of course, don’t forget to hit that subscribe button to stay connected.

Until our next contemplation, farewell and take care! 👁️💭


“In the Embrace of Nature: My Beloved Haven in the City”

An welchen Ort in deiner Stadt gehst du am liebsten?

Hello, fellow enthusiasts of life’s simple pleasures!

If you’ve ever wondered about my favorite place to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, the answer is no secret—The Bushes!

Yes, you read it right; I have an inexplicable love for the serene beauty of a forest or a nearby park. In my case, it’s the local green spaces that offer a respite from the urban cacophony—a chance to stroll through nature, explore new villages, and traverse pathways that wind their way into the heart of nearby towns. We fondly call it the “apiam way” back in Nigeria, and it’s my absolute favorite place in the city.

There’s something enchanting about being surrounded by the rustling leaves, the earthy fragrance, and the soothing symphony of nature. It’s not just a walk; it’s a journey of discovery. Every step unveils a new facet of the city, a hidden corner waiting to be explored. Whether it’s the allure of a secluded forest or the charm of a park, these green sanctuaries offer a sanctuary for the soul.

I’m curious—where is your cherished spot in the city? What place do you find yourself drawn to, seeking solace and rejuvenation? Share your favorite city escape in the comments below. I’d love to hear about the unique corners of tranquility that beckon to you.

Before we part ways, don’t forget to hit that subscribe button to stay connected, drop a like if you resonate with the joy of green escapes, and leave a comment sharing your own city hideaway.

Until our next encounter, take care, and farewell!🥰


“Unveiling Financial Empowerment: A Journey with ‘Open-Up’ by Alex Holder”

Welches Buch liest du gerade?

Greetings, avid readers!

I trust this post finds you immersed in the captivating worlds that books unfold. Today, I want to share my current literary companion—a book that found its way into my hands courtesy of a dear friend, and I’ve found myself returning to its pages not once, but twice before. Yes, you guessed it right; it’s none other than “Open-Up: The Power of Talking About Money” by Alex Holder.

This book has become a recurring presence in my reading routine, and each encounter with its pages unveils new insights. “Open-Up” is not just a book; it’s a guide to understanding the intricacies of our relationship with money. Alex Holder takes us on a journey, exploring the nuances of financial habits and unraveling the power that lies in open conversations about money, be it with friends or family.

In essence, the book delves into the significance of acknowledging our shortcomings when it comes to finances and provides practical strategies to regain control. What struck me the most is its emphasis on the transformative power of dialogue. Money is often considered a taboo topic, but “Open-Up” encourages us to break free from that silence, fostering healthier and more informed discussions.

As I delved into the chapters, I found my perspective on money shifting. The book doesn’t just offer advice; it initiates a conversation, encouraging readers to reflect on their own financial behaviors and the impact these can have on their lives. It’s a catalyst for change, urging us to embrace a more empowered and intentional approach to our finances.

So, dear readers, what book is currently keeping you company? Share your literary adventures in the comments below. And, if you haven’t already, consider subscribing to stay updated on the exciting literary journeys we embark on.

Let’s create a community of readers who not only enjoy books but also share their discoveries. Don’t forget to hit the like button and share this post with fellow book enthusiasts.

Until we reconvene in my next post, happy reading!🥰


“Dreaming of Utopia: A Glimpse into the Perfect Haven”

Wenn du irgendwo auf der Welt leben könntest, wo wäre das?

Have you ever pondered the question: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? It’s a query that transcends the boundaries of mere geography, delving into the realms of imagination and desire. While I may not be a seasoned traveler with a passport adorned with stamps from around the globe, I find solace in the dreams that take me to a place beyond the constraints of reality.

Picture this: a place where fatigue is an alien concept, hunger a distant memory, and illness an unheard-of notion. A realm where the air is thick with love, happiness, and the melody of laughter, and the shadows of hate, war, jealousy, and violence are mere figments of the imagination. It’s a utopia, an idyllic haven where one can walk endlessly, bathed in perpetual youth and boundless energy.

As fanciful as it may seem, my mind often drifts to this fantastical place—a place that bears a striking resemblance to the descriptions found in Revelation 21. The ethereal landscapes painted by those sacred verses invite us to explore the boundaries of our imagination and envision a world where the soul finds eternal bliss.

21 The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of pure gold, like transparent glass.22 I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.23 The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.

Revelation 21-23

Yet, in the same breath, I acknowledge the inherent paradox of such a utopia. To attain this idyllic existence, one must traverse the threshold between life and death, with the soul finding its residence in the heavenly abode. It’s a beautiful dream, but one that hinges on the acceptance of life’s impermanence.

In the midst of these dreamscapes, reality calls me back to the present. If pressed to answer where I would like to live, my response echoes with simplicity and wisdom—I choose to be where I am, wherever that may be, as long as peace and comfortability accompany me on this journey.

Before I conclude, I want to express my gratitude for the overwhelming love shown on my previous blog. Your support means the world to me. As I embark on this blogging journey,

I encourage you to like, share, subscribe, and leave your thoughts in the comments. Your engagement fuels my creative spirit.

Until my next post, sending all my love.🥰


The Coolest Discovery: Finding Peace in the Unseen

Was ist das Coolste, das du je gefunden (und behalten) hast?

In the quest for the coolest things life has to offer, I embarked on a search through the recesses of my house, delved into the depths of my heart, and combed through my tangible assets, hoping to uncover a gem worthy of the title “cool.” To my surprise, the most significant discovery wasn’t nestled amidst possessions or tangible treasures—it was an intangible presence that I found both profound and invaluable.

The coolest thing I’ve ever found and chosen to keep is an unwavering connection with God. In the midst of life’s complexities, uncertainties, and the ebb and flow of events, I stumbled upon a reservoir of peace that transcends understanding. The peace of mind derived from embracing the all-encompassing being of God is, indeed, immeasurable.

Life, with its myriad of thoughts and unpredictable events, can be a stormy sea to navigate. However, in my journey, the words from the holy book emerged as a beacon, guiding me through turbulent waters. The calming effect of these words has been nothing short of a lifeline, steadying my course when the winds of life threatened to veer me off course.

Reflecting on this discovery, I find an unspoken coolness in the faithfulness of God. Amidst challenges, uncertainties, and the myriad struggles that define the human experience, the unwavering presence of a higher power has been a source of strength and solace.

Book of life 🌌

As I share this reflection, I invite you to contemplate your own experiences. What is the coolest thing you’ve ever found and chosen to keep? The answers may vary, but the essence lies in recognizing the intangible treasures that bring profound meaning to our lives.

I encourage you to share your thoughts in the comments below. Let’s engage in a conversation about the cool discoveries that shape our perspectives. Don’t forget to subscribe, like, and share if you resonate with this journey.

Until we meet again at my next post, sending all my love as we navigate the depths of life’s discoveries together.🥰


Embracing the Daily Grind: Navigating the Love-Hate Relationship with Routines

Welchen Teil deiner Routine versuchst du, wenn möglich, immer zu überspringen?

In the tapestry of daily life, there exist threads we’d rather unravel—those aspects of our routine we’d gladly skip if given the chance. For me, it’s the quintessential list: sports, walks, work, stress, cooking, and a myriad of other tasks that dance on the periphery of my desire to avoid them.

Walks and biking 🚴‍♀️

Yet, as I reflect on this intricate web of routines, I find myself entwined in a paradoxical relationship of both love and hate. These routines, though seemingly mundane, form the foundation of a life that is either streamlined or chaotic, depending on my choices.

Sport and exercise, for instance, often find themselves on the chopping block when the siren call of comfort lures me away. The prospect of a leisurely evening walk can be overshadowed by the allure of a cozy spot on the couch. Work, despite its necessity, occasionally wears the mask of a task to be shunned.

I would like to skip this and then you think your health?

Cooking, a daily ritual, can transform from a culinary exploration to an unwelcome chore, especially on days when the kitchen feels more like a battleground than a haven. The stress that weaves itself into the fabric of routine is a formidable adversary, one that begs to be evaded.

Yet, beneath this veneer of reluctance lies a profound truth—I am the architect of my life. Routines, as much as they may seem like tyrannical impositions, are the bricks that construct the edifice of my day-to-day existence. It’s a choice between surrendering to chaos or embracing the order that routines bring.

The antidote to a stressful existence lies not in avoidance but in a mindful approach to these daily rituals. Acknowledging the necessity of each task and finding moments of joy within them transforms the mundane into the extraordinary.

So, how does one make their day stress-free amidst the whirlwind of routines? It begins with a shift in perspective. Rather than seeking to skip the threads that bind our days together, we can choose to weave them with intention and purpose. Embracing routines becomes an act of self-care, a declaration that our lives are worth the effort invested.

In the comments below, share your strategies for cultivating a stress-free routine. Let’s engage in a conversation that uplifts and supports one another. Like, share, and subscribe to join me on this journey, and let’s meet again at the next post.

Sending all my love your way as we navigate the intricacies of life’s daily dance.🥰


“Die Evolution meines Podcast-Konsums: Zwischen Flut und Fundstücken”

Welche Podcasts hörst du?

In der Vergangenheit gehörten Podcasts zu meinem täglichen Begleiter, eine klangvolle Symphonie aus Wissen und Unterhaltung, die meine Spaziergänge, Bahnfahrten und Arbeitsstunden durchzog. Doch in letzter Zeit hat sich meine Beziehung zu Podcasts gewandelt, und ich habe meine Gedanken darüber in diesem Blog festgehalten.

Früher genoss ich es, in den unterschiedlichsten Situationen Podcasts zu hören – sei es beim Spazierengehen, während der Bahnfahrt oder in Arbeitspausen, wenn ich dem Bürotratsch entkommen wollte. Die Podcasts waren für mich eine Quelle der Inspiration, eine Möglichkeit, Gleichgesinnten zuzuhören und ständig dazuzulernen.

Doch heutzutage scheint jeder ein Podcaster zu sein, und Podcasts sind überall. Die Podcast-Landschaft hat sich in ein weites Meer verwandelt, aber nicht alle Wellen sind gleich inspirierend. Die Überflutung an Inhalten hat meinen Podcast-Konsum verändert, und ich finde mich oft in einem Dschungel von unsinnigen Worten wieder.

Die Vielfalt der Themen und Perspektiven ist beeindruckend, aber zugleich scheinen manche Podcasts zu einer bloßen Geräuschkulisse von Begriffen wie Redpill, Bluepill, Feminist, Maskulin, Feminin, Elegance, Onlyfans, ASMR und mehr zu verkommen. Es fühlt sich an, als würden meine Ohren von einem Strom belangloser Ratschläge bombardiert, und meine Begeisterung für das Medium schwindet.

In diesem Podcast-Dschungel frage ich mich, ob die Qualität verloren geht, wenn die Quantität überwiegt. Vielleicht sind meine Ohren bereits von der Flut der inhaltslosen Worte verstimmt.

Teilen Sie gerne Ihre Gedanken zu diesem Thema in den Kommentaren. Vergessen Sie nicht zu abonnieren und diesen Beitrag zu teilen.

Morgen erwarte ich Sie wieder mit neuen Impressionen und Erkenntnissen meiner Podcast-Reise. Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit! 😊


Mein Weg durch die Schulbank: Die Liebe zur Biologie und die kuriose Mathe-Affäre

Was war dein Lieblingsfach in der Schule?

In meiner schulischen Laufbahn gab es ein Fach, das mein Herz eroberte und meine Seele berührte – Biologie. Von Anfang an faszinierte mich dieses Fach, und es wurde rasch zu meinem absoluten Liebling. Ironischerweise konnte ich jedoch nie eine Begeisterung für Mathematik aufbringen, obwohl meine Noten stets erstklassig waren A1– ein wahrer Schockmoment! 😂

Erlaubt mir, euch eine amüsante Anekdote zu erzählen: Als ich mich entschied, nach Deutschland zu gehen, stand mein Visumstermin an. Während des Vorstellungsgesprächs wurde ich gefragt, welches Fach ich in Deutschland studieren wollte. Ohne zu zögern antwortete ich, dass ich Virologie studieren wollte. Als ich dann den Prüfungsraum betrat und sah, dass es sich um Biologie handelte, konnte ich ein Lachen nicht unterdrücken. Auf die Frage, was so lustig sei, konnte ich nur schmunzeln. Überraschenderweise war ich bereits vor dem Prüfer fertig. Sie waren erstaunt, aber für mich war es ganz natürlich – schließlich war das mein Fach.

Obwohl ich Naturwissenschaften studierte, blieben Physik, Chemie und Mathematik nicht meine bevorzugten Fächer, aber ich meisterte sie dennoch. Es grenzt fast an ein Wunder.

Es wäre toll, von Ihnen zu hören: Was war Ihr Lieblingsfach in der Schule und welche Geschichten verbinden Sie damit? Teilen Sie Ihre Erfahrungen und Erinnerungen gerne in den Kommentaren. Vergessen Sie nicht, diesen Beitrag zu teilen und zu abonnieren, um mehr von meinen Schulabenteuern zu erfahren. Vielen Dank fürs Lesen und bis zum nächsten Mal! 😊

Vielen Dank 😊 Bis zum nächsten Mal!


Do we need more time?Exploring the Relentless Passage of Time

Brauchst du mehr Zeit?

Today’s discussion revolves around the question: Do we require additional time? Without a doubt, my response is a resounding YES. I yearn for more time, not merely to fulfill daily routines like waking up, standing, eating, or commuting to work, but also to relish the moments of pure enjoyment and to cherish the precious hours spent with my beloved family. Time, after all, is a finite resource, and it flows steadily, never to return. The necessity for more time isn’t just a desire but a fundamental need for the very essence of life. I’ve come to the profound realization that time and life are intrinsically interconnected, with one being synonymous with the other.

Do you ever find yourself wishing for more hours in a day? Feeling like time is slipping through your fingers, leaving you with a constant sense of urgency? The relentless ticking of the clock can make us all wonder: Is the time we have truly enough? In this blog, we’ll dive into the concept of time, its finite nature, and the ways in which we can make the most of every precious moment.

The Unstoppable Flow of Time:
Time is the one resource we all share in common, but it’s also the one that can be the most elusive. As the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years pass, we often feel like we’re caught in a relentless race against the clock. The feeling of time slipping away can be both motivating and distressing.

The Illusion of More Hours:
Have you ever looked at highly successful individuals and wondered if they somehow have more hours in their day? It’s a common perception, but in reality, we all have the same 24 hours. The key to their success often lies in how they manage and prioritize their time.

The Need for Balance:
The desire for more time can also manifest as a longing for the future to arrive faster, hoping that it will bring better days. However, life is a delicate balance between living in the present and planning for the future. It’s essential to cherish today while preparing for tomorrow.

Life, Time, and Inseparability:
Life and time are intertwined inextricably. Without time, there is no life. Each moment we live is a gift, an opportunity to make choices, build memories, and shape our journey. Understanding the significance of this connection can help us appreciate the value of each passing second.

The Power of Mindfulness:
Practicing mindfulness can be a transformative way to make the most of the time we have. It encourages us to be fully present in the moment, savoring each experience and interaction.

Carpe Diem – Seize the Day:
Instead of yearning for more time, seize the day, making the most of every moment. Prioritize what truly matters, set goals, and pursue your passions with intention.

While the feeling that time is never enough is a common sentiment, the key to making the most of our limited time lies in mindful living, setting priorities, and embracing each moment as it comes. Rather than longing for more hours, cherish the ones you have, and you’ll find that the most extraordinary moments are often hidden in the ordinary. Time is a gift; it’s up to us how we choose to unwrap it.

Don’t forget to subscribe, like, and share your thoughts, and until we meet next time, all my love. 💕🕒


Embracing Uncertainty: Envisioning Your Life in Three Years

Wie wird dein Leben in drei Jahren aussehen?

Today, I’ve chosen to express myself in English. The topic at hand is one that encourages profound introspection, compelling us to reevaluate our lives and embark on a journey of creating a well-thought-out plan.

Life is filled with uncertainties. We can plan, dream, and set goals, but we often find ourselves facing the unpredictable twists and turns of our journey. While we can shape our destiny to some extent, there’s a level of unpredictability that reminds us to remain humble and adaptable. In this blog, we’ll explore the delicate balance between planning for the future and surrendering to the unknown.

Planning for the Future:
Setting goals and envisioning your life in three years is a fundamental part of personal development. It gives us purpose, direction, and motivation. Despite the uncertainty, having a vision can be a guiding light, helping us make informed decisions and take meaningful steps toward our aspirations.

The Role of Faith:
In the face of uncertainty, faith plays a significant role. Many people find comfort in their faith, trusting that a higher power or the universe will guide them on their path. While we can plan, there’s an acknowledgment that some things are beyond our control, and that’s where faith steps in.

Adaptability and Resilience:
Life often challenges us in unexpected ways. The ability to adapt and be resilient is a valuable skill. Envisioning your life in three years doesn’t mean clinging rigidly to a specific outcome but rather having the flexibility to adjust to changing circumstances.

The Power of Community:
Our lives are not isolated journeys; they are interconnected with others. Our support systems, whether friends, family, or a broader community, can provide strength and guidance during uncertain times. Sharing your vision with others can lead to valuable insights and collaboration.

Celebrating Small Wins:
I for one I am a fan for this. I always try to celebrate every little thing. As you plan for your future, it’s essential to recognize and celebrate the small victories along the way. These milestones remind us of our progress and provide motivation to continue working towards our goals.

The Beauty of the Unplanned:
Some of life’s most meaningful moments are the result of spontaneity and unexpected opportunities. While it’s important to have a vision, it’s equally crucial to leave space for the unplanned adventures and surprises that life may bring.

Engage and Share:
I encourage you to share your thoughts on what your life may look like in three years. What are your dreams, aspirations, and fears? Engage with your community and invite them to reflect on their own visions. Remember to embrace both planning and surrendering to the unknown as part of the beautiful tapestry of life.

Envisioning your life in three years is a valuable exercise, but it comes with the understanding that life’s uncertainties are an inherent part of the journey. While we can plan, we must also be open to adaptation, embrace our faith, and celebrate the unexpected moments that add depth and richness to our lives.

Kindly subscribe, like, and share this post and share your thoughts on what your life may look like. Thank you for joining me on this exploration of life’s beautiful uncertainties.

Until the next post, stay open to the magic of the unknown.🥰🙏


Die Malediven – Ein Traumziel in Blau und Sonne

Denk dir einen Urlaub aus! Erkläre, wie und warum jeder feiern sollte.

In meinen Gedanken und Träumen gibt es einen Ort, den ich eines Tages besuchen werde, und dieser Ort ist die atemberaubende Inselgruppe der Malediven. Dieser Traum von mir ist so klar und lebendig, dass ich das Bedürfnis habe, ihn in die Welt hinauszutragen, in der Hoffnung, dass das Universum ihn in Erfüllung gehen lässt.

Die Malediven, ein Ort von schier unbeschreiblicher Schönheit, faszinieren mich zutiefst. Ich stelle mir das türkisblaue Meer vor, so klar, dass man die Welt unter der Oberfläche sehen kann. Die malerischen Bungalows, die auf Stelzen über dem weißen Sandstrand stehen, scheinen aus einem Märchen entsprungen zu sein. Die Vorstellung, sie zu berühren und darin zu verweilen, erfüllt mich mit Freude.

Ist das nicht Traumhaft 🥰?

Dieses Bild wurde von Google übernommen.

Mein Traum ist es, eines Tages aufzuwachen und mich von der atemberaubenden Schönheit der Malediven umgeben zu sehen. Ich stelle mir vor, wie ich meinen Geburtstag oder meine Flitterwochen an einem Ort verbringe, der so paradiesisch ist, dass man es kaum glauben kann.

Warum sollte man die Malediven für solche besonderen Anlässe in Betracht ziehen? Die Antwort ist einfach: Die Malediven sind der Inbegriff des Paradieses auf Erden. Die Strände, das türkisblaue Wasser, die romantische Atmosphäre – all das macht diesen Ort zu einem perfekten Ziel für Feiern und besondere Momente.

Es ist mehr als nur ein Traum; es ist ein Ziel, das ich fest im Blick habe. Und ich bin mir sicher, dass es eines Tages Wirklichkeit wird. Und wenn es so weit ist, werde ich meine Träume in dieser malerischen Umgebung feiern und all die Schönheit der Malediven in vollen Zügen genießen. 🙌

Welches ist Ihr Sehnsuchtsort? Bitte teilen Sie Ihre Traumdestination in den Kommentaren, und vergessen Sie nicht, unseren Kanal zu abonnieren, diesen Beitrag zu liken und ihn mit anderen zu teilen. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle, die unsere Inhalte bisher geschätzt haben.

Bis zum nächsten Beitrag – alles Liebe! 😍


Was sind deine Lieblingswebsites?

Was sind deine Lieblingswebsites?

Die Auswahl der Lieblingswebsites ist oft eine sehr persönliche Angelegenheit, da sie unsere Interessen, Bedürfnisse und Gewohnheiten widerspiegeln. Wir alle haben unsere Go-to-Websites, die uns bei verschiedenen Aktivitäten und Herausforderungen unterstützen. In diesem Blogbeitrag werde ich einige meiner Lieblingswebseiten teilen und erläutern, warum sie einen besonderen Platz in meinem digitalen Leben einnehmen.

  1. Google – Die universelle Suchmaschine
    Google ist zweifellos eine der meistgenutzten Websites weltweit. Sie ist der Ort, an dem wir nach Antworten auf unsere Fragen suchen, sei es für Hausaufgaben, Rezepte oder um uns über aktuelle Ereignisse zu informieren. Google bietet unzählige Informationen, manchmal vielleicht zu viele, was zu unerwarteten Entdeckungen führen kann.
  2. DeepL – Der Sprachübersetzer und Textkorrektor
    DeepL hat mir in vielen Situationen geholfen, sei es beim Übersetzen von Texten, beim Verbessern meiner Sprachkenntnisse oder beim Schreiben von Dokumenten. Die Genauigkeit und die intuitive Benutzeroberfläche machen es zu einer meiner Lieblingswebseiten.
  3. YouTube – Die multimediale Schatztruhe
    YouTube ist der Ort, an dem ich stundenlang verweilen kann. Es bietet eine Fülle von Videos, die von unterhaltsamen Vlogs über Lehrvideos bis hin zu inspirierenden Reden reichen. Es ist eine Quelle für Unterhaltung, Wissen und kreativen Ausdruck.
  4. Yahoo Mail – Der E-Mail-Dienst, den man nicht missen möchte
    Yahoo Mail ist für viele von uns ein wichtiger Kommunikationskanal. Ohne E-Mails würden viele Aspekte des modernen Lebens ins Stocken geraten, sei es die Arbeit, persönliche Nachrichten oder Abonnements.
  5. Zara – Die Mode-App für Shopaholics
    Zara hat einen besonderen Platz in meinem Herzen, wenn es um Mode geht. Die App bietet eine bequeme Möglichkeit, trendige Kleidung, Schuhe und Accessoires zu kaufen. Es ist schwer, der Versuchung zu widerstehen, wenn man eine Leidenschaft für Mode hat.
  6. Amazon – Der Alleskönner des Online-Shoppings
    Amazon hat die Art und Weise, wie wir einkaufen, revolutioniert. Die schnelle Lieferung und die riesige Produktauswahl machen es zu einer unschätzbaren Ressource, insbesondere wenn man etwas schnell benötigt. Die Bewertungen helfen bei der Entscheidungsfindung.
  7. DB Bahn – Die Reise-App für Deutschland
    Für mich, der in Deutschland lebt, ist die DB Bahn-App unverzichtbar. Sie ist mein Navigationswerkzeug, wenn es darum geht, von einem Ort zum anderen zu gelangen. Die Fahrpläne und Echtzeitinformationen erleichtern das Reisen im Land.
  8. Instagram und Snapchat bitte sorgen Sie sich nicht und nehmen Sie nicht an, dass ich Instagram, Facebook, TikTok und Snapchat vergessen habe. Nein, ich habe sie nicht vergessen. Obwohl sie zu meinen Favoriten gehören, habe ich mich bewusst dafür entschieden, meine Nutzung zu regulieren. Kürzlich habe ich sowohl Facebook als auch TikTok von meinem Gerät gelöscht, nachdem ich festgestellt habe, wie stark sie sich auf mein Leben auswirken und mir das nicht gefallen hat. Diese Plattformen hatten mich buchstäblich im Griff, und das ist ein Thema, das wir vielleicht an einem anderen Tag vertiefen können. Dennoch bin ich nach wie vor auf Instagram und Snapchat aktiv und finde sie unterhaltsam.

Diese Liste enthält nur einen kleinen Einblick in die Vielfalt der Webseiten, die unsere täglichen Aktivitäten und Interessen unterstützen. Jeder von uns hat seine eigenen Lieblingswebseiten, die das digitale Leben bereichern und erleichtern. Welche Webseiten gehören zu Ihren Favoriten? Teilen Sie Ihre Lieblinge in den Kommentaren!

Bis zu den nächsten Beitrags 🥰🫶.


Gibt es ein Lebensalter oder Lebensjahr, das du noch einmal erleben möchtest?

Gibt es ein Lebensalter oder Lebensjahr, das du noch einmal erleben möchtest?

Es war wirklich schwierig, die Entscheidung zu treffen, welches Jahr in meinem Leben ich gerne noch einmal erleben würde. Nachdem ich über all die Prüfungen, Schwierigkeiten, Glücksmomente und Freuden nachgedacht habe, konnte ich kein bestimmtes Jahr finden, das ich wiedererleben möchte. Stattdessen gibt es einige Jahre, die ich gerne abhaken und verändern würde.

Dennoch gibt es besondere Momente, die ich gerne festhalten möchte. Zum Beispiel die Geburtstage, die mein Vater immer zu etwas Besonderem macht. Jedes Mal fühle ich mich wie eine Prinzessin, und ich erinnere mich besonders an das Jahr 2012, als ich nach Deutschland gezogen bin. Mein Vater hat mir mein Geburtstagsgeschenk im Voraus gegeben, da er nicht bei mir sein konnte. Es war ein bewegender Moment, den ich immer noch schätze.

Ein weiterer besonderer Moment war 2019, als ich nach vielen Jahren zum ersten Mal wieder nach Hause kam und meine Familie wiedersehen konnte. Es fühlte sich magisch an, und ich wollte diese Erfahrung in meine Haut einprägen. Die Umarmung meiner Schwester war so herzlich, dass es fast so schien, als würde sie erstickt werden.

Dieser Moment war wirklich nicht zu beschreiben. Er war surreal🫶

“Ich hatte eine großartige Zeit gehabt und hatte so viel gegessen.”

Trotzdem schätze ich jeden Tag in meinem Leben und bin dankbar für all die glücklichen Momente, die ich erleben darf. Ich möchte keines davon loswerden. Jeder Tag ist ein Grund zur Freude.

Ich lade Sie ein, Ihre Gedanken zu teilen und zu erzählen, ob es ein Jahr gibt, das Sie gerne noch einmal erleben würden, oder besondere Momente, die Sie festhalten möchten.

Bitte kommentieren, mögen und abonnieren Sie meinen Blog für weitere Beiträge.

Bis zum nächsten Mal, auf Wiedersehen.🥰


Welche Sache sollte deiner Meinung nach jeder wissen?

Welche Sache sollte deiner Meinung nach jeder wissen?

Ich möchte diese Gelegenheit nutzen, um euch von Herzen für eure Unterstützung und eure Zeit zu danken, die ihr meinem Blog widmet. Es bedeutet mir unglaublich viel zu wissen, dass meine Beiträge auf Interesse stoßen und einen Mehrwert für euch haben.

In einer Welt, die ständig im Wandel ist und von Informationen überflutet wird, ist es manchmal eine Herausforderung zu wissen, welche Dinge wirklich wichtig sind. Im Folgenden werden einige wichtige Themen und Aspekte aufgeführt, von denen wir glauben, dass die Menschen sie kennen sollten.

  1. Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden:
    Eine der wichtigsten Dinge, die jeder Mensch wissen sollte, ist, wie er für seine Gesundheit und sein Wohlbefinden sorgen kann. Dies umfasst die Bedeutung von ausgewogener Ernährung, regelmäßiger Bewegung, ausreichendem Schlaf und stressreduzierenden Techniken.
  2. Finanzielle Bildung:
    Finanzielle Bildung ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, um mit Geld richtig umzugehen, Schulden zu vermeiden und für die Zukunft zu sparen. Grundlegende Kenntnisse über Budgetierung, Sparen und Investieren sind unerlässlich.
  3. Umweltschutz:
    Angesichts der aktuellen Umweltprobleme, wie Klimawandel und Umweltverschmutzung, ist es entscheidend, dass die Menschen verstehen, wie sie zur Erhaltung unserer Umwelt beitragen können. Das Wissen über nachhaltige Praktiken und den ökologischen Fußabdruck ist von großer Bedeutung.
  4. Digitale Sicherheit:
    In einer zunehmend digitalisierten Welt ist es wichtig, die Grundlagen der digitalen Sicherheit zu kennen. Dies umfasst den Schutz persönlicher Daten, die Vermeidung von Phishing und die Verwendung sicherer Passwörter.
  5. Bildung und lebenslanges Lernen:
    Bildung ist ein lebenslanger Prozess. Menschen sollten wissen, wie wichtig es ist, ständig zu lernen und sich weiterzuentwickeln. Dies kann durch das Lesen von Büchern, das Verfolgen von Nachrichten oder die Teilnahme an Kursen geschehen.
  6. Empathie und zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen:
    Die Fähigkeit, Empathie zu zeigen und gesunde zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen aufzubauen, ist von unschätzbarem Wert. Dies trägt nicht nur zu persönlichem Glück bei, sondern auch zur Förderung des sozialen Zusammenhalts.
  7. Kulturelle Vielfalt und Toleranz:
    Die Welt ist vielfältig, und es ist wichtig, kulturelle Unterschiede zu respektieren und zu schätzen. Toleranz und interkulturelle Kompetenz sind unverzichtbare Fähigkeiten in unserer globalisierten Gesellschaft.
  8. Selbstreflexion:
    Selbstreflexion ist der Schlüssel zur persönlichen Entwicklung. Menschen sollten wissen, wie sie ihre eigenen Stärken und Schwächen erkennen können, um kontinuierlich an sich selbst arbeiten zu können.
  9. Zeitmanagement:
    Effizientes Zeitmanagement ist entscheidend, um berufliche und persönliche Ziele zu erreichen. Die Fähigkeit, Prioritäten zu setzen und Zeit sinnvoll zu nutzen, ist von unschätzbarem Wert.

Es gibt viele wichtige Dinge, die Menschen wissen sollten, aber diese Liste soll als Ausgangspunkt dienen. Die Bereitschaft, immer weiter zu lernen und sich weiterzuentwickeln, ist entscheidend, um in unserer komplexen Welt erfolgreich zu sein und einen positiven Beitrag zu leisten.

Eure Kommentare, Feedbacks und Likes sind eine erhebliche Quelle der Motivation und Inspiration für mich. Ihr seid es, die diese Community zu dem machen, was sie ist, und ich bin überwältigt von eurer positiven Resonanz.

Bis zu den nächsten 🥰.


Was bedeutet es, im Herzen ein Kind zu sein?

Was bedeutet es, im Herzen ein Kind zu sein?

In einer Welt, die oft von Hektik und Stress geprägt ist, kann das Bewahren eines kindlichen Herzens eine erfrischende und inspirierende Lebensphilosophie sein. Doch was bedeutet es, im Herzen ein Kind zu sein? Lassen Sie uns in diese faszinierende Reise eintauchen.

Es ist wunderbar, dass ich dieses kindliche Gemüt in mir bewahren habe . Im Herzen ein Kind zu sein, bedeutet für mich, die Welt mit einem Gefühl der Neugier, Freude und Unbeschwertheit zu betrachten. Es ermöglicht einem, das Leben mit einer spielerischen Lebenseinstellung zu erleben, die oft von Lachen, Offenheit und Freude geprägt ist.

Meine Beschreibung von mir selbst als jemandem, der Spaß daran habe , draußen zu sein, Freundschaften zu schließen, vertrauensvoll zu sein und mich über die kleinen Dinge im Leben zu freuen, sind wertvolle Qualitäten. Diese kindliche Lebensfreude kann dazu beitragen, Stress abzubauen, das Wohlbefinden zu steigern und Beziehungen zu stärken.

Manchmal kann ich verstehen, warum viele Menschen das kindliche Verhalten in anderen schätzen. Es kann eine Quelle der Inspiration und Freude sein, wenn wir Menschen sehen, die sich erlauben, spielerisch zu sein und die Welt mit den Augen eines Kindes zu betrachten.

Es ist wichtig, dass wir uns in unserer Persönlichkeit und unseren Verhaltensweisen wohl fühlen und authentisch sind. Solange es niemandem schadet, ist es großartig, wenn Menschen ihre kindliche Seite in ihr erwachsenes Leben integrieren. Es erinnert uns daran, die Freude im Alltäglichen zu finden und das Leben in vollen Zügen zu genießen.

Während das Kindsein im Herzen viele positive Aspekte hat, ist es wichtig zu betonen, dass es keine festen Regeln oder Normen gibt. Jeder kann seine eigene Art finden, die Magie der Kindlichkeit in sein Leben zu integrieren.In einer Welt, die oft von Stress und Verantwortung geprägt ist, kann das Bewahren des Kindes im Herzen uns helfen, die Schönheit und Freude im Alltag zu entdecken. Es lädt uns ein, die Welt mit offenen Augen, einem Lächeln im Gesicht und einem leichten Herzen zu erkunden. Und wer könnte je behaupten, dass das albern ist?

Wir möchten von Ihnen wissen: Fühlen Sie auch das Kind in Ihrem Herzen? Haben Sie sich jemals erlaubt, spielerisch und lachend durchs Leben zu gehen? Teilen Sie Ihre Gedanken und Erfahrungen in den Kommentaren.

Vergessen Sie nicht, diesen Beitrag zu abonnieren, zu mögen und zu teilen, um die Freude des Kindseins im Herzen weiterzugeben.

Danke und bis zu meinem nächsten Beitrag.🥰


Wenn dir ein Flaschengeist drei Wünsche erfüllen würde, was würdest du dir wünschen?

Wenn dir ein Flaschengeist drei Wünsche erfüllen würde, was würdest du dir wünschen?

Diesen Thema ist ein klassisches Motiv in Ein Flaschengeist, der drei Wünsche erfüllen kann, ist ein klassisches Motiv in Märchen und Geschichten. Die Möglichkeit, sich Wünsche zu erfüllen, hat eine faszinierende Anziehungskraft. Die genannten Wünsche – ein glückliches Zuhause, Gesundheit und finanzielle Stabilität – sind von grundlegender Bedeutung für das Wohlbefinden und die Zufriedenheit im Leben.

Ein “glückliches Zuhause” kann viele Formen annehmen, aber im Kern bedeutet es in der Regel einen Ort, an dem man sich geborgen und geliebt fühlt. Ein harmonisches Familienleben und die Möglichkeit, sich zu entfalten, sind entscheidend für unser persönliches Glück.

Gesundheit ist zweifellos unser wertvollster Besitz. Sie ermöglicht es uns, unser Leben in vollen Zügen zu genießen, unsere Träume zu verfolgen und Zeit mit unseren Lieben zu verbringen. In Anbetracht von Gesundheit als Wunsch ist es oft der Schlüssel zu einem erfüllten Leben.

Die Bedeutung von finanzieller Stabilität ist ebenfalls nicht zu unterschätzen. Geld kann die Freiheit und Flexibilität bieten, die uns erlauben, unsere Wünsche und Ambitionen zu verfolgen. Es kann Sicherheit und Wohlstand für die Familie bedeuten.

Nun, da Sie Ihre Wünsche geteilt haben, möchte ich von Ihnen und anderen erfahren: Wenn euch ein Flaschengeist drei Wünsche erfüllen könnte, was würdet ihr euch wünschen? Welche Träume und Hoffnungen hegt ihr, die ihr gerne verwirklichen würdet?

Bis zu nächsten Thema meinen Lieben 🫶

Daily Post, Frankfurt, Uncategorized

Rödelheim, Frankfurt: A Journey Through History and Green Oases


Nestled in the western part of Frankfurt, Germany, Rödelheim is a district that’s not just steeped in history but also offers enchanting green spaces for its residents and visitors to enjoy. In this blog, we’ll explore the historical significance of Rödelheim and take a scenic tour through its splendid parks, including Brentanopark and the Biegwald.

Historical Significance

Rödelheim’s history is a tapestry of time, with threads dating back to the medieval era. The village of Rödelheim was first documented in the 9th century, and it gradually evolved, making its mark on the historical canvas of Frankfurt. The district’s historical heritage is interwoven with the events of the Napoleonic era when it came under French control, leaving an enduring influence on its architecture and culture.

The Petrihouse is very Historical it was built in 1720

Exploring Rödelheim

As you explore Rödelheim, you’ll encounter a blend of architectural styles that reflect its centuries-long history. The streets are adorned with picturesque half-timbered houses, neoclassical buildings, and modern structures, offering a visual journey through time.

The Evangelische Kirche, a 13th-century Protestant church, stands as a testament to the district’s rich cultural history. It’s a must-visit for those interested in the architectural and religious heritage of the area.

Green Oases in Rödelheim

Rödelheim doesn’t just captivate with its history; it also enchants with its green spaces. Brentanopark and the Biegwald are two of the district’s cherished parks, offering serene escapes in the heart of the city.

The green Oasis in Rödelheim so beautiful 🥰
  1. Brentanopark

Brentanopark is a haven for nature lovers and those seeking relaxation. Named after the famous poet Clemens Brentano, the park features lush green lawns, winding paths, and a beautiful lake. The park provides an ideal setting for leisurely strolls, picnics, or simply unwinding amid the natural beauty.

Gate that leads to the Paradise of Brentanopark
It has little romantic 💘 bridges and seats where you can relax and enjoy the wonderful park.
  1. The Biegwald

The Biegwald is another gem within Rödelheim, known for its dense woodlands and idyllic trails. It’s the perfect place for hikers and nature enthusiasts, offering a serene escape from the urban hustle and bustle. The Biegwald provides an opportunity to connect with nature and experience the beauty of Frankfurt’s green spaces.

Trust me I took a walk in this Wald 🌳 and I was so giddy with excitement 😊

City Connection

Rödelheim is not an isolated district; it is interconnected with neighboring areas like Praunheim, Westhafen, and Eschborn. This connectivity adds to the district’s appeal, as residents can easily explore the diverse offerings of these nearby locations.

Scenic Skylines

One of the distinctive features of Rödelheim is its captivating views of the surrounding skylines. Whether you’re in Brentanopark, the Biegwald, or simply strolling around the district, you’ll be treated to picturesque vistas of the Frankfurt skyline and other small cities in the vicinity.

The famous skyline 🏙️ view from Rödelheim isn’t it beautiful 😻?

There are many more which I will do a part two later and talk more about the ‚Insel‘ (Island) in Rödelheim. This is quite interesting.


Rödelheim, Frankfurt, is a district that seamlessly combines its rich historical heritage with an appreciation for natural beauty. As you explore its architectural wonders, take leisurely walks through Brentanopark and the Biegwald, and embrace the captivating views of the skylines around, you’ll realize that Rödelheim is more than just a place to live; it’s a living testament to the harmonious blend of history and nature in the heart of Frankfurt.

Thank you all for taking your time to read, like, share, subscribe and comment.

Do you take walks? If you do kindly leave a comment below if you like exploring your area?

Till the next post all my love ❤️❤️.

Positivity, Motivation, Love, Stress, Love, Motivation, Uncategorized

Daily Post; Day 1- How can you know what someone is passing through?

I am standing by the bus station waiting for my bus to come and another bus which was not supposed to stop at that particular bus station stops in front of me and says „I normally do not stop here but where are you headed“? and I told him the train station he said „I am not headed there but I can take you to your destination“ and then I laughed and was cheered and happy that even though that wonderful man did not know me and whatever it is I am going through. He stopped to cheer someone up.

I thanked him and he moved on but that brought me to thinking 🤔. How did he know I needed a laugh or a push or ???.

As I stand here waiting for my bus, my thoughts start rolling. What are people going through? How can you know when people are going through hard times? And not even only that, how can you help? While all these thoughts are going through my mind, I watch people laugh and hold hands; I see a child riding his scooter with a stern face. I see an older man trying to walk down the streets, two young girls chatting and giggling, and the one ☝️question still going through my mind is, How can they know what I am going through?

My thoughts at the end of the day. Pics are taken from Pinterest.

You know nobody looks like what they are going through or dress like what they are going through. Two of my dear friends called me today saying, „Princess, dress up, put on makeup and go out, “ but I do not feel like doing what they suggested. What I feel right now standing by the bus station is to scream my heart out, wear my problems like a cloth so that everyone or anyone can press a stop 🛑 or like ❤️ button on me so as to push these problems away.

But you see that is not the case. And in reality even if it was.., would you be helped by random people? Would people care? Would they ask how well you are doing? Or all they actually want to hear in return is I am fine? Without asking real deep?

Well, my bus came and I drove with the bus to the train Station and there I see and hear a man singing and playing his instruments which also brought smiles to my face. I had to tip him ❤️. Now I am standing, still standing waiting for my train and all I am thinking is Problems NEVER ENDS!

But little snippets of love, care, cheering, word of encouragement, checking up and prayers go a long way.

Here is my daily Post for today. In the next ten days, I will be posting daily and hope I make it through. Could you cross your fingers for me? I hope you are doing well, and you can also share your daily rants and feelings here too, and I will be here to rant with you ❤️.

See you tomorrow here.


Motivation, Uncategorized

Homemade Coffee and Honey Scrub ❤️

I know this may not seem like my usual post but its fun anyways because i did it myelf, tried it and it works. Besides, i have written this post for a while now. I said to myself hey just post it. So welcome to my DIY Blog.

If you are looking for a way to reduce spending a lush amount of money on Body care products. Then you are definitely welcomed to my post.

A year ago I traveled home to Nigeria. There, I realised that all my expensive body care products couldn’t withstand the Sun in Nigeria… Ohhhhh it was blazing hawttt I mean HOT. If I was a bar of meltable chocolate I wouldn’t have made it back to Germany. Ohh yes (Even though) I was born and raised there. I never thought I would feel the way I felt about the heat. The heat was something else. 🔥🔥🔥

A year ago I started following the ‘do it yourself’ ( DIY) trend and ever since it has been a lively and emancipating Journey.

For a year now, I have stopped buying my usual Body Care Products in Shops and Drogerie stores and I believe they(who exactly?) all have been secretly screaming my name (Princess come oooo Princess come ooo) Because their mumu Precious Gem has been lost.. ooo i have spent a lot of my money in this industryHA they haf chop my money gan ni ooooo.

Anytime I go to the stores to go buy a coffee scrub, the price ranges from 5€ – 30€ or even more. The last time I got one was for 8.99€ and my friend actually looked at me like I was running mad but I told her I loved it and it was for my Bodaaayyy…

Since i began doing it myself, oooo i love how my Body feels and better still i know exactly what ingredients are going on my Body.

Coffee has a lot of beauty Beneficials and this Homemade body scrub makes your skin not only succulent but also tighten your skin. So come with me as I take you on the journey of Coffee scrub.

Benefits of Coffee Scrub

  • It exfoliates dead skin away
  • It makes your skin so soft to touch
  • It improves circulation of blood in your body
  • It tightens the skin
  • It moisturize your skin and makes it feel succulent due to the 🥥 coconut oil
  • It soothes and calm your skin due to the Aloe Vera
  • It has a healing effect on your skin due to the honey 🍯
The coffee scrub mixture 🥥🍯☕️. It messy but please pardon me 🙏😘.

You will need

  • 2 tablespoons of coffee (freshly ground or used)
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice ( optional)


  • Mix the ingredients together until it forms a paste
  • Apply the scrub to your face first before getting into the shower and when in the shower apply to the body and massage well for as long as you can
  • Wash it off and feel the greatest of your skin come alive

This scrub also makes your palm feel tender and soft for like three days. It is really lovely to feel your palm after the scrub and the most wonderful thing about this DIY scrub is you know it’s not chemically done.

Me with the scrub on and after with a fresh face. P.S Again do not mind my hair net and the pics on the left was done with a light and on the right with sunlight. lol


Ernö Laszlo

I would love to hear from you and how you are coping with the quarantine? And also when you try the scrub either on your face or body, please do holla at me and tell me how it felt. You can also use this to take care of yourself since we are all trying new things out..

I hope we’ll all overcome this hard time. Stay safe my lovelies and also be very careful!

@ Princesspringles


Do you think our Modern Society Lacks Empathy?

Do you think our Modern Society Lacks Empathy?

— Weiterlesen princessanyasodor.com/2020/09/06/do-you-think-our-modern-society-lacks-empathy/

What do you think?? Are the people becoming more Empathless or the society is pushing them to? Please do leave a reply, like, share and follow back. Thank you 😘😘

Motivation, Nigeria, Better, love, Dedication,, Uncategorized

Are you Focused in this time?

I am leaning on my windowsill and looking out my bedroom window with a glass of Carrot juice mixed with lemon, orange and Grapefruit. It is quite tasty you should try it. Ok back to why I am at my window. I just finished my Morning yoga flow and wanted to bring out my clothes before I go have my bath and then I heard the birds chirping.

I started wondering (wow) they are so loud! I started to ask myself, have I ever heard them so loud before? Which of the birds is chirping which way? Because they seem so many and their chirps were so loud and soothing like music to my ears. Why have I not heard them so intensive before? These are the questions that were running through my mind as I looked out my window.

You get what you focus on so focus on what you want

As I look out my window I realised for the first time that I am so still and everything around me is quiet. I am able to block out the noises of cars driving by and just concentrate on the birds and myself. Then I thought back and realised that practically all my life I have never been so still as the past month of this quarantine.

I have also come to realise in this time that life is really precious and you have to know what belongs to your heart and the people around you that you cherish and to know not only about their wellbeing but also their mental state of health.

Everyone has been thrown down a loop, everyone is at home trying to balance themselves and their businesses. Some are working from the comfort of their homes and others like myself are at home because their work has been halted due to this pandemic.

At the moment, I am trying to have a clear understanding of who I am, what I want, and what my foundation or core is and how I can build it in this period and after this period.
I hear all the time in this Pandemic that you have to build a skill or rather do something new for your self and I am like why not stay calm, do not overthink yourself but try and breathe in new air into your lungs and then the other things and skills will follow.

Currently everything is on a standstill and the time is not respecting anyone by standing still with us but rather flying by. You need to remember what is great about you, what your strengths are and where they lie. I mean this time you are taking out time for yourself to know yourself now, breathing in and out and knowing that no matter what you are passing through we will be fine later on.

It will be all well and beautiful as this Flower 🌹. I got this from the local flower shop close to me.

We are in this together and as we go through this COVID-19, I chant to myself that I love to get through times like this because it will bring out the best in me, it will make me think clearly, learn myself well and also to care for my health and then try and help other people, my family, to call someone and check on them if they are well or rather write them to know how they are doing.

Do things in this period all day in a way that uniquely suits.

Just start!!!

There is absolutely no need to Panic.

All these have taught me that life is really precious and should not be toiled with: Yes, we are humans but there are things powerful than us. If a virus can shut the whole world down!!! what cannot?

I wish you all well and would love to hear from you and how you are going through with Quarantine, what is helping you keep sane.


Motivation, Nigeria, Better, love, Dedication,, Uncategorized

Judging others🎤🎤

The last months of last year from October was a trying time for me. I felt I was not in a good state of mind. I was stressed and I got into a habit😱.

I was in a phase that I could not streamline my thoughts.

Then it started… I started judging people, if someone passed me by at work or wherever I was standing, sitting, looking at, in the train, while I was walking, in the restaurant, on the internet. I was constantly judging people either the way they looked, spoke, the race moved, smelt, or behaved.

Every single time I did it I felt like I was being drained of something but then again it came up and it would be back to square one class 101 on judging others.

I realised I spent so much time judging people that I started hating myself, I did not feel the rush of energy I always have ( ask people who know me), I started feeling less of myself and my state of mind became unproductive.t

I slowly started thinking (hey 😨 this is like a tunnel you fall into and climbing out feels like the walls of Jericho to get out.) What would have triggered this Emotion, feeling down and all because the same time I was judging these people it could have also been me they were equally judging. To be honest with you? I did not feel comfortable thinking that it could be me on that pedestal table. For all, I know the same things I did judge others about could also be what they judged me off and even more.

So why did I do it?

I traced it back to the time I started feeling too comfortable in my zone and I wanted more but did not know how to get out, to the time I started feeling inadequate of getting to a certain position in my life. I knew I could change if only I could master my mindset and streamline my thoughts to be about positive things. I am not saying everything and at every time that it has to be perfect, No!! What I am trying to say is that only when this thoughts and feeling starts dominating your thoughts and taking the existence of your happiness from you, then is it paramount for you to change things. Because happiness is the key.

In the following paragraphs, I will be writing three reasons why I think we judge others, what happens when we judge others and why we need to stop judging people.

Why do we Judge Others?

  1. I think we Judge others when our life feels constant and we are seeking for a change. When the feeling of t not moving forward seems unsurmountable, and we get jealous when we see others living their best lives and this pushes us to automatically judge others.
  2. I think we judge others when we are insecure about certain things in our lives and for some, they are clueless about what the problem is and how they can tackle it either from their childhood, family, parents, friends at work, their Bodies and so on. All these tend to lead one to judge others they see as perfect and thereby feeling good when they do it.
  3. I also think we judge others when we feel threatened. Either by the status of your partner, co-worker, friend, celebrity or when these people buy a new car, cloth, house and so on. We become scared that they would keep getting better whilst you stay under.

What happens when we judge others

  1. I think that when we judge others that we also judge ourselves and it makes us not only feel less confident but also we do not seem it able to raise our heads high.
  2. I noticed that while I judged others it was not of what they did to me but the Stereotypes surrounding their ethnicity, their Gender, appearances and language. Forgetting I am human, a woman and in a foreign country and there is practically a stereotype for everyone.
  3. I started thinking negatively and it breeds Negatively impacts in almost anything you think about. This could have an impact not only on yourself but people around you.

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves

Carl Jung

Why you need to stop Judging

  1. Try to streamline your thoughts on positive things. Find no FAULT in others. Try as much as possible to avoid contact with people who also judge others so you do not fall. Always say something positive in your heart and you will notice that eventually, it will start popping out of your mouth
  2. Avoid Stereotyping people because you do not know them personally and even if you do it will only breed hatred in you.
  3. Try and focus everything in you to manifesting and meditating good things into your life.

There is a story behind every person. There’s a reason why they are the way they are. Think about that before you judge someone


Lastly, do not worry about others and do not judge others. Be kind to yourself and love yourself. Observe things and the world around you and then slowly but surely your perspective will be broadened.

I am getting there eventually because bad energy gat to stay far away😁😂. I cannot change whatever it was I was annoyed about but I can change ME.

Thank you for reading and I will be pleased to read your comments below on why do you judge people? How do you feel about yourself afterwards? And also how can it be stopped?.

I wish you all a lovely February.


Motivation, Uncategorized


When I begin to think about what I have or had been through which in comparison to others is nothing, then I begin to think of 🤔 what would have been if I said the truth, If I wasn’t scared 😟, If I was bold enough, If I was more confident, If I had run and looked for help. If ….. if…. if …. only if…

Yesterday the 31.12.2019 I was thinking out loud and saying that I was grateful for everything last year had brought me and was going to make sure I go in harder next year, which practically starts today. My friend got a little upset that the ‘New year Resolution’ thing is being hyped. He said that there is nothing like a new year but just a new day. I agree with him but not totally.

I see a new year not only as a new day but also a new start. This goes for the decision I will be making, Goals to be attained, bad habits to be broken, to be more focused and committed.

A new year, Yes, could be just another new day, but for me it is the mental feeling I get from it. The feeling that motivates me, encourages my soul and lits the fire that I could be a better me this new year. Oh yes in the middle of the year it may not go as planned but we will keep moving.

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate

Oprah Winfrey

Life is too short to be worrying and complaining but instead focus on how blessed you are for the simple things that you have.

The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don't give up. Words Of Encouragement Quotes On Life, Strength & Never Giving Up

Whenever I look 👀 back, I know now for sure that whatever happens in your life is your destiny and was predestined to be so.

Despite the challenges I am facing , I always want to be happy and positive even though some could be so hard. But the point is to be grateful and thankful for all you have.

2019 taught me a whole lot of things and gave me a new Dimension in life and also to see things from a different perspective.

Some things are so little we forget to take it into consideration. Little things they are, but are the biggest things. The importance of Gratitude 🙏 , are things like the air we breathe in, the bed we sleep in, food, a roof over our heads, love, happiness, being healthy and happy.

These things fill me in and make me glow from the inside because I am grateful to have these things.

Happiness is the utmost blessing a man can get if he has it. When you realize it the Earth 🌏 would move her best side to you.

How about you? What are you grateful for? Do you believe in New year Resolution? Do you think it is being hyped? Drop in the comment box below on how happy or the experiences you have had.

Happy New year and a wonderful month!



Be tough 🧶🧶🧶👑

I am trying to be tough.

But I can’t, cause I miss the Talks, stupid talks and nothing talks.

I am trying to be tough

Even though I know I have been manipulated, lied to, treated badly and dehumanized.
I still come out of it all not looking back and knowing that one day, I would say to myself ‘oh I was tough and still am’.
But then I ask myself what went wrong?
Was it You? Your inhibitions? Your Exhibitions? Are you not able to perform? Are you not able to Conform to the rules? Your Fears? Your over happiness? Your …….

I am trying to be tough
But I have to talk to myself Because if I don’t, I might lose it.
I am trying to be tough

But then I start counting how lucky I am that I went through the Experience. And how lucky I am that I will still pass through more challenges.
I have to thank a whole lot of people who have in any way turned me down or tried to look down on me. Those people gave me a new perspective on life.
This all has thought me that I am worth it.

Image result for toughPassItOn.com

I am trying to be tough
But then I start from the beginning remembering what never existed… no memories…

Then I am tough.

Because then I remember I am Me and will be me and when I start realising that I need to get and set my standards straight then I will be tough.

I am tough

Because I hope and also believe that for me to be me I have to be tough and not try to be.


Motivation, Uncategorized

Arse licking😥🚶😕

I have seen Arse lickers, i have seen people who belittle themselves or think if they lick arses they would be pitied or given a share or rather be favoured.

According to oxforddictionaries the definition is ;

You all know we live in an arse-licking economy.

The realisation of your entity or rather your life comes in when you feel shrunked, crowded or overpowered than you can imagine. Then you start Feeling that you have no choice than to give in or even start agreeing against your principles and practices.

This is the life we live in, making people bend into not what we envisioned for ourselves but for the purpose of comfort and peace to reign.

Have you ever thought about people who goes against the comfort of others are seen as aliens? Or people who refuse to lick arses are seen as non compromising, too loud, empty space and also as stupid people untill this people start making money, or start making waves and also been heard.

You don’t have to conform, you don’t have to be quiet, you don’t have to listen to anyone or other people choices for you!!, You don’t have to put other peoples consideration before yours, you don’t have to live behind the norm of the societies you live in.


I tell myself Princess be you. Don’t let anyone try to say, you too loud, or you too happy, or don’t sing any more, or you too local, or you too old, or you too skinny, or you too fat or you won’t make it life or in a relationship, or you too sick or too fit.

Look don’t let anyone decieve you in saying too much of everything is bad. I think it is better to be or have too much as too less. If you like something go for it and if you dont like something change it or rather leave it.

Rather than licking arses to get what you want stand up for yourself and get something done!!

You can share your thoughts and experience of what you think. Would love to know.


@Princess Pringles.


I don’t give a F❤#*

I am great, i will be great. Am great.

These words i chant to myself as i was on the train going to work, when i finally realised… i had to get out from this cocoon of laziness i set in my brain. Since this month began, i have had this feeling of .. i don’t give a f💟k attitude on not doing anything. Which has really been a pain to me, cause i feel weak and useless doing nothing.

If you are out there and also feeling this way… raise your hands please😂🙋🙋

There are many types of i dont give a f💝k attitude and mine was the one that can make someone loses focus on his/her purpose in life. 😢😢😢 and thats definitly not my aim.

On my last Post I spoke about ‘what is your Purpose in life’ seriously i began to doubt me, myself and I 😒🙆🙆 in the sense that in this month of January, I had a NULL, ZERO, NO Orientation and Motivation mood in either reading, going to the University, being creative or the zeal to go to work.

I told a friend of mine (Opons) her nickname. How I was feeling and she said if everyone was feeling this way, definitely not me and I said why not? I mean everyone goes through this Phase in life and even more. So why not me?

So dont beat yourself so much… at least that’s what i tell myself 😂😂👸👸 and I try to think positive and know that no Condition is Permanent.

Every year people set goals on what to achieve… and some say they do whatever pleases them… 😂or (as the spirit leads). But for people like me it has to be clear. I have to know how, when, and what I have to do in order to see my thinking or dreams comes to Realisation. Maybe it’s because am a Virgo…… 😕😕😕

Anyways I had to write this to tell anyone who reads this that regardless of what you are going through, sickness, hardship, no Motivation, no orientation, no money, or if you lose someone. Bear it in mind that you are not alone and no one can help you rise out of whatever pit you are in if you dont talk to yourself.

Talk to yourself… every day and also pray.

Please share with me and others in the comment section below on how this year been so far.

Happy new year my darlings and great success and achievement in everything you do.

P.S. I also devote this Text to my Cousins the Georgewills and pray God consoles them on losing their father my Uncle and a friend who lost her Mum.

Adieu Daa/Martha💝💝💝

@Princess pringles.



What is your Purpose in life?

Live, laugh, Love

Broken handle!!, But still loved😘😂😂😂

Today as i laid on my Bed, my first thought was,

Princess what’s your purpose in life?

I have always asked myself this question but within the next second it leaves my mind or rather i thwart it away and focus on something else to organize in my brain.

Some people would love to travel, get married, have kids, learn new things, get rich, Study, buy expensive and Luxury cars, build good houses, meet their Idols, be Singers, renowned Artist and Professionals at whatever their choice of Career they choose.

I for one has always pondered what I wanted to be. As a kid I wanted to be a Doctor or an engineer (my family can attest to this I could repair practically everything… I mean tv’s and radios😛).

It was fixed in my head. But I loved to dance, listen to Music,(I could sing the whole playlist from the Radio), Pest people😂😛and also make people laugh.

I studied in the direction of my dreams but was not so sturdy like I thought I would be. Till I found what I love to do. Media.

Your purpose in life should be what Fulfils you. My childhood friend Blessing O. David said

Every one should find out what he has been called here for by God, and what God wants us to do with whom and how he wants us to do it.

I think for me its Happiness. Happiness is not a Livestyle but a choice between what works for you or rather what keeps you going, moving, motivates you, encourages you, wants to make you help others and also wants to make you live for another day.

Am still on the journey on finding my Purpose in life and also praying i keep getting directions on it.

My questions for you is, what is your purpose in life? And how do you intend to achieve it?

@Princess Pringles.


I Stand here🙄

Standing here trying to think😵😵😘😘

I Stand here not knowing my fate,                 What should i think?                                         I only write my Fate once in a year……           Do i even Love …..?                                           Does it look, seem and feel like Love?                 

I Stand here not knowing how to express my feelings,                                                         What should i think?                                         This Situationship is driving me CRAZY!       Do i even know how that feels?                       Cause it hurts where i never knew had pains,                                                                     Do they even know how to relate to this Situation?              

I Stand here trying to get my feelings in order,                                                                   What should i think?                                         I’m in doubt, thoughts scattered everywhere,                                                         Do i need to stay?

I Stand here confused, ripped out.

© Princessanyasodor.


You know them😕😎.


You know those friends who never say sorry whenever they are wrong.

You know those friends who you never know about their lifes. But they know your History uptill your great- great-grand parents.

You know those friends who never invites you to come eat, drink coffee or even water!!

You know those friends who always say their accounts is empty but its loaded.

You know those friends who never has your time.

You know those friends of benefits😉

You know those friends who are lowkey jealous of your success, beauty, brains, energy and literally who wants to be like you.

You know those friends who always eats from you. Always taking and never giving.

You know those friends who are jealous that you have other people or friends than them.

You know those friends who always say they will do this or that but never comes around doing them.

You know those friends who always lie so you dont know their next moves, cause they think you would do the same or steal their shine😔

You know those friends who always wants to do the same thing like you.

You know those friends who always parties but with them you can never discuss your Future together.

You know those friends who backstabs and gossips behind you.

You know those friends who never lends their help rather they think up excuses not to.

I have had those friends and still going to be having them

The question is; which of those friends do you have?

And how do you deal with them? It will be nice to read from you. Have a lovely weekend😘

@Princess pringles


Wierd day in Frankfurt.

I have been having this daydream of someone taking my Portemonnaie. Till it happened.😢😞😱
I was a bit ill at work after my day of fainting. Lol. I have never been this weak which makes me so unhappy that i can’t function like a normal person.

So i drank a lot of water this day because i was told to. I visited the Toilet more often which was a bit irritating cause i felt my bladder will burst if i dont.😵😵😵😵😵. 

Later in the day i was coming back from work. I missed the train which means the next one was going to be in an hour. I know my fate so i called my Friend💝 so i could make my waiting a bit pleasant and short. When i ended my call, i decided to visit the Toilet once more before the train moves because its always a long journey.

I decided then to leave my bag on my seat if not it would be taken. But i took my phone with me thinking it wasnt going to take two minutes. My other Princess conscience said take your Portmonaiee you big head before you regret it. I did.

While coming back from my PiPi moment i saw a ‘Spacko‘ man checking my bag out and i called out to him saying. Hey dude you see what you looking for? He turned and said ohh sorry miss i was checking if there was an empty bottle ‘Pfand‘ in your bag. I was so pissed i felt like crushing his head, i told him to take the whole bag that it would be better for us two😈😈😈😈.
Ok ok my saying is how come people who were sitting close didnt tell him Hey! Leave that bag alone! It ain’t yours! You know try to fend him away cause they knew it was not his. But this Land is a no Mans Land. ‘OYO’. Nobody gives a fig about you, if you dont take care of yourself, nobody will.

At the end am grateful that i listened to that Princess conscience and God also.

So be cautious, hardworking, thankful, grateful and always stay happy in this new month of May.😘😘😘


I cant serve two Masters!

It will be cool if at one moment i could be black and the next second white.. happy now and the next sad… No i learnt that a long time ago. It doesnt work for me. Am always in awe how people do that!! Am either one or nothing at all. I get so agitated when am happy, smell a good perfume, when am buying facial products.. ohhh you really would not want to be close to me… lol oh yes am soo addicted to those stuffs, when am about to eat a worthy Eba and soup, when am about eating meat lol.lets go back to our headies.. when am happy it radiates i feel this aura.. I always have it. I try as much as i can not to be annoyed because its not only good for me and my well being but also with the people around me. I snap, frown the whole day cause i cant pretend am happy when i know damn well am not. Things pratically go downhill for me.

I wish there can be a time-snapback where people can be able to erase certain things. I dont know about you but when am nervous i break plates… no no not intentional but it falls off my hands, i start thinking in circles, my energy zaps out. The funny thing is i always Sleep well even better than a normal day for me.. lol

So this a new one for me and i would like this blog to be a conversational blog whereby you write what makes you happy and also zaps you out.

Thank you for Reading. Much love 😘😘.


I never knew Love


Well I know it may not seem real or acceptable. But its true. I ask myself this question fast everyday and am sure most of y´all do too *winks*.

Some People say love comes from within or that it’s a force of nature that when man realises or recognizes it , they tend to go for it.

Well as a matter of fact Love hit me from a different angle not from parents, siblings, Family or even boyfriend.  It hit me from Life.  Trying to understand and appreciate what it did to me .

And what it does and mean to people in General.

This giving and taking is not what love is all about it’s the challenges, the giving and not expecting. But you doing your part to appreciate this giving and letting it reflects in not only your life but towards others and letting it spread not by spraying Money on the streets but through your happiness and ability to cheer up even though its not ok.

This love that can never be bought, sold or compromised is just LOVE! period. I try to get annoyed sometimes or even want to stay away but there is always this rush of cold air which gushes down my heart or rather do I say  my Soul and it clears whatever thought am Building up to be angry. Am still amazed at how it happens .

A lot of People recognizes what Love is all about like from a mother to her Child, love between a man and woman, love between Brothers and sisters, best friends and so on Yes I believe it does exist for this People.

If love heals as I always hear then why are some Things still Happening to us? why can’t we live as our Brothers keeper? why do we think “not normal”? why do we feel when we are in love our senses are supposed to leave us and act with just intuition and not with our heads? why are there wars? why are there people who suffers or intimidate the others cause their bearings are more than the other? * letting out a sigh* It seems different to me. Oh yes it does.

That`s why I say love struck me from a different angle and it was from LIFE!! itself its HUGE, overbearing, intimidating and frustrating. But something always happen to give you Love or to define that meaning.

It means different to every single being on Earth.

I read a lot and I found out that there is a million and one definition of LOVE not one corresponds to the other. We feel different, think different and act different.

So as I take you on my journey to how I feel, think and Love I would really do appreciate if you give me or write down below on your definition of Love. **hugs and kisses**.

Please do read, love and share

your girly darling,


Continue reading “I never knew Love”