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Judging others🎤🎤

The last months of last year from October was a trying time for me. I felt I was not in a good state of mind. I was stressed and I got into a habit😱.

I was in a phase that I could not streamline my thoughts.

Then it started… I started judging people, if someone passed me by at work or wherever I was standing, sitting, looking at, in the train, while I was walking, in the restaurant, on the internet. I was constantly judging people either the way they looked, spoke, the race moved, smelt, or behaved.

Every single time I did it I felt like I was being drained of something but then again it came up and it would be back to square one class 101 on judging others.

I realised I spent so much time judging people that I started hating myself, I did not feel the rush of energy I always have ( ask people who know me), I started feeling less of myself and my state of mind became unproductive.t

I slowly started thinking (hey 😨 this is like a tunnel you fall into and climbing out feels like the walls of Jericho to get out.) What would have triggered this Emotion, feeling down and all because the same time I was judging these people it could have also been me they were equally judging. To be honest with you? I did not feel comfortable thinking that it could be me on that pedestal table. For all, I know the same things I did judge others about could also be what they judged me off and even more.

So why did I do it?

I traced it back to the time I started feeling too comfortable in my zone and I wanted more but did not know how to get out, to the time I started feeling inadequate of getting to a certain position in my life. I knew I could change if only I could master my mindset and streamline my thoughts to be about positive things. I am not saying everything and at every time that it has to be perfect, No!! What I am trying to say is that only when this thoughts and feeling starts dominating your thoughts and taking the existence of your happiness from you, then is it paramount for you to change things. Because happiness is the key.

In the following paragraphs, I will be writing three reasons why I think we judge others, what happens when we judge others and why we need to stop judging people.

Why do we Judge Others?

  1. I think we Judge others when our life feels constant and we are seeking for a change. When the feeling of t not moving forward seems unsurmountable, and we get jealous when we see others living their best lives and this pushes us to automatically judge others.
  2. I think we judge others when we are insecure about certain things in our lives and for some, they are clueless about what the problem is and how they can tackle it either from their childhood, family, parents, friends at work, their Bodies and so on. All these tend to lead one to judge others they see as perfect and thereby feeling good when they do it.
  3. I also think we judge others when we feel threatened. Either by the status of your partner, co-worker, friend, celebrity or when these people buy a new car, cloth, house and so on. We become scared that they would keep getting better whilst you stay under.

What happens when we judge others

  1. I think that when we judge others that we also judge ourselves and it makes us not only feel less confident but also we do not seem it able to raise our heads high.
  2. I noticed that while I judged others it was not of what they did to me but the Stereotypes surrounding their ethnicity, their Gender, appearances and language. Forgetting I am human, a woman and in a foreign country and there is practically a stereotype for everyone.
  3. I started thinking negatively and it breeds Negatively impacts in almost anything you think about. This could have an impact not only on yourself but people around you.

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves

Carl Jung

Why you need to stop Judging

  1. Try to streamline your thoughts on positive things. Find no FAULT in others. Try as much as possible to avoid contact with people who also judge others so you do not fall. Always say something positive in your heart and you will notice that eventually, it will start popping out of your mouth
  2. Avoid Stereotyping people because you do not know them personally and even if you do it will only breed hatred in you.
  3. Try and focus everything in you to manifesting and meditating good things into your life.

There is a story behind every person. There’s a reason why they are the way they are. Think about that before you judge someone


Lastly, do not worry about others and do not judge others. Be kind to yourself and love yourself. Observe things and the world around you and then slowly but surely your perspective will be broadened.

I am getting there eventually because bad energy gat to stay far away😁😂. I cannot change whatever it was I was annoyed about but I can change ME.

Thank you for reading and I will be pleased to read your comments below on why do you judge people? How do you feel about yourself afterwards? And also how can it be stopped?.

I wish you all a lovely February.


15 thoughts on “Judging others🎤🎤”

  1. Thank you Princess for your lovely post! I just love your sincere way of narration and always beautiful decoration of your pages!
    As for me, I don’t see any use in judging people. I think, judging people can be dangerous, because it may create some unnecessary stereotypes in your perception about that person and thus may distort your perception of the positive sides of him or her. And these positive sides that you didn’t see can actually be much more important, than the things you were judging.
    At the same time, I think, we shouldn’t confuse evil judging with constructive criticism. Sometimes in order to improve something, we need to have some ‘positive’ critical view on things.
    Of course, it is always a difficult matter of balance, that we have to find for each separate case. No matter, if we speak about judging other people or judging ourselves.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow Rustam thank you. What a lovely point of view. That is where the question of Judging and prejudice comes in. Is there a thin line between the two or can it be separated?


  2. Wooow, what a write up. Hopefully we all can learn in a better and realistic ways. Thanks for this part of you ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely write up darling
    Would judging others make me a billionaire or more richer? …..Hell NO…lol….I would rather improve on myself to be a better person and channel such energy for something more productive.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Nothing is far worse than judging people without giving them a chance, or generalising on who and what they are without meeting them. It is not only unfair to the other party but also delusional to oneself of truth.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow Princess ❤️. Die wenigsten Menschen sind so ehrlich zu sich selbst, aber nur das bringt uns weiter und Frieden mit uns selbst und dann automatisch auch mit anderen. Ehrlichkeit zu uns selbst ist meiner Meinung nach der erste Schritt um über sich hinaus zu wachsen und dann seine Erkenntnis auch in seinem Leben zu manifestieren. Ehrlichkeit in allen Bereichen des Lebens ist somit erstrebenswert. Ich denke dass urteilen, natürlich in individuell unterschiedlichem Ausmaß, zur Struktur des Menschen gehört und es viel Arbeit Bedarf um aus dieser auszubrechen. Je weiter man jedoch ist, desto bewusster wird einem wie sehr der Blick auf die anderen einen von seinem eigenen Gott gegebenem Glück abgelenkt hat. Ich schätze es in aller erster Linie als ein Mangel an Selbstwertgefühl ein, was sich durch die Gesellschaft aber in erster Linie durch das soziale Umfeld entwickelt. Wen beurteilen wir? Was beurteilen wir? Was steckt wirklich dahinter? Sind es Denkweisen die wir von unserem sozialen Umfeld übernommen haben? Oder ist es vielleicht sogar Neid der uns zum Urteilen führt? Alles beginnt bei einem selbst und alles endet bei einem selbst. Wenn es uns gelingt das ganze Leben, einschließlich die Dinge die wir eigentlich verurteilen, als eine gesamte sich gegenseitig bedingende, nicht von einander trennbare Einheit – die Einheit Leben oder Welt – zu betrachten, entfernen wir uns auf dem Wege vielleicht ein Stück von der negativen Macht des Urteilens. Ein Versuch im Alltag ist es Wert. Versuchen wir das nächste Mal wenn wir uns beim verurteilen erwischenzu sagen “hey, er/sie/die Situatiin ist so wie sie ist und das hat nix mit mir zu tun” und beobachten was es mit uns macht wenn wir nicht, wie sonst meistens, uns vergleichen.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hallo Ruta3, ich bin so froh, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast, den Beitrag zu lesen und auch die Bedeutung hinter dem Beitrag auseinander zu nehmen. Dein Wort ist so wahr. Alles beginnt und endet bei uns. Egal was die Gesellschaft denkt oder zwingt. es beginnt bei uns und endet bei uns. Viel Liebe von mir zu dir und nochmals vielen Dank.


  6. We judge people most times afar because we do not know them though it’s not justifiable enough. I feel bad whenever someone turns out to be the obverse of my initially thought.

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