
Wierd day in Frankfurt.

I have been having this daydream of someone taking my Portemonnaie. Till it happened.😒😞😱
I was a bit ill at work after my day of fainting. Lol. I have never been this weak which makes me so unhappy that i can’t function like a normal person.

So i drank a lot of water this day because i was told to. I visited the Toilet more often which was a bit irritating cause i felt my bladder will burst if i dont.😡😡😡😡😡. 

Later in the day i was coming back from work. I missed the train which means the next one was going to be in an hour. I know my fate so i called my FriendπŸ’ so i could make my waiting a bit pleasant and short. When i ended my call, i decided to visit the Toilet once more before the train moves because its always a long journey.

I decided then to leave my bag on my seat if not it would be taken. But i took my phone with me thinking it wasnt going to take two minutes. My other Princess conscience said take your Portmonaiee you big head before you regret it. I did.

While coming back from my PiPi moment i saw a ‘Spacko‘ man checking my bag out and i called out to him saying. Hey dude you see what you looking for? He turned and said ohh sorry miss i was checking if there was an empty bottle ‘Pfand‘ in your bag. I was so pissed i felt like crushing his head, i told him to take the whole bag that it would be better for us two😈😈😈😈.
Ok ok my saying is how come people who were sitting close didnt tell him Hey! Leave that bag alone! It ain’t yours! You know try to fend him away cause they knew it was not his. But this Land is a no Mans Land. ‘OYO’. Nobody gives a fig about you, if you dont take care of yourself, nobody will.

At the end am grateful that i listened to that Princess conscience and God also.

So be cautious, hardworking, thankful, grateful and always stay happy in this new month of May.😘😘😘

15 thoughts on “Wierd day in Frankfurt.”

  1. I am happy you did not lose your portemonnaie oh. I thank God for His Grace in your life. Stay blessed sis. Your Julie


  2. Hahaha hah. …you called yourself a “big head” not me.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚..Good one! It’s sad that no one can look out for other people’s stuff even if you don’t ask them…I was a witness to a girl”s handbag being snatched on the Subway, and even after having screamed “Help” “Thief”, the guys around just stood there, did nothing and watched her fight the thief (tall, Robust male) all by herself and no one moved around muscle. I find it sad though…where I come from, everyone is everyone’s keeper!

    How fortunate you were to have been back to the scene in time!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahahhahaah. You ehnn. You are right. Culture matters a lot in looking out for another and also how people react to Situations. Thanks biggy OponsπŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›


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